Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Man Voice
I went to bed late and woke up early. Guess you could say I'm "dog" tired. So tonight belongs to Scooter.
First things, first. Daniel was on K-104 with Toby-O and John this morning, along with the perpetually lovely, Laura Michelle. Way cool! Thanks John and Toby!
Now on to the blog. The other day I blogged about how Scooter gets excited if you jangle your keys or say "go" too loudly. I forgot to tell you about another thing Scooter has picked up. If you've ever studied classical conditioning (remember Pavlov's dog experiment), you'll understand. His "trigger" now is seeing Angie in her running clothes. For the past month she has been taking Scooter on her morning runs. If she walks in the den in her exercise outfit, Scooter uses what we like to refer to as his "man voice." People, we're being sarcastic here!
And because Scooter is considered "my" dog, all of the family likes to make fun of him. Personally, I think Scooter is similar to Dalton in "Roadhouse." He's "nice until it's time to not be nice." You wouldn't catch that from watching this video, would you? =)
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Beautiful God! Beautiful Weather! So-So Singing?
But today, He delivered me from a problem. Fast! So I was singing and praising...and I brought you along for the ride. Most people would be quick to interject that "Slide" by the Goo Goo Dolls is not exactly a praise and worship song. They'd be right. But that didn't stop me from having a thankful heart for God's beautiful and mysterious ways.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
For Those About To Laugh...I Salute You
The Lunch Bunch met last week and I never showed any of the photos that I took. Unfortunately, several members of the gang had left before I whipped out my phone and took these shots. So forgive me if I don't post any photos of you.
Feeling a little creative tonight, I've taken some liberties and set up a slide show for you. All of the fantastic voice-over work was done by me on the "fly." I find that unrehearsed can sometimes be the cutting edge. And then again, the cutting edge does get dull quickest. You be the judge.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Hey BooBoo, Where's The Pic-A-Nic Basket?

We loaded up in my van and headed down North 18th Street. Stopping at Thurman's, we picked up a couple of chicken spaghetti plates and headed towards the river.
We found a picnic table by the river with a couple shade trees strategically placed in our favor. Guys, it doesn't get much better than this. I hope when the weather is pleasant again, you'll take advantage of the some of the natural resources we have around here. I guarantee I will. My bride was giddy with happiness.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Check Out Angie's Site
Check it out.
You can also click Angie's link under my friends links.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Don't Forget To Watch Me
Also, I'm putting a clip up tonight in addition to Scooter's Car Ride. /whispering/ This clip may get me in a world of trouble. So this blog posting may get deleted if a certain someone finds out that I put the video on line. You can clearly see that I've raised perfectly normal kids.
****As expected, the video was "discovered" and I was forced to remove it. For those who didn't get to see it, I'm sorry. For those who did view it, don't tell anybody what you saw or I'm a dead man walking.****
Scooter's Car Ride
Well long story short, Daniel needed some refreshments to replenish some of the fluids he lost during the night. So off to Wal Mart I go. And if you're ever at my house, don't jangle your car keys or Scooter will run to the door and start whining. Scooter is one of our Jack Russell terriers. If he hears the word "go" or hears car keys rattling, he runs to the door. He loves to go for rides, walks, runs, or whatever. He just loves to go; and since he's so well-behaved, he usually "pals" around with me. The neat thing is he never complains about my singing and he loves whatever songs I play on the iPod.
Friday, February 22, 2008
I'm Not Giving Up My Day Job
When Angie and I ride in the car together, she refuses to let me sing. Well, sometimes I start singing and then I get the "look." It's the shut-up-or-bad-things-are-gonna-happen look. I realize that I'm not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree, but I have learned from experience. And when it comes to my singing, Angie means business. Flat out, she does not like my singing. It's not so much my lack of pitch, which is poor. But, instead, it's my inability to stay in time with the song that really grinds her gears. She claims I have a timing issue. I'm convinced it's a memory problem.
Any way you slice it, I'll admit it does sound awful now that I've had a chance to watch the video. Oh well, I wasn't planning on giving up my day job any time soon.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Tagging and Sweating
At any rate, here's what I wrote. I know I'm double dipping by not offering a new blog. But not everybody reads myspace. So here you go...
1. Most of my email addresses are tied to my very first nickname. It was given to me was by my father, who incidentally I called "Pa" (pronounced "paw"). He called me "Pard" which is short for "pardner," which is an alteration of the word "partner."
2. I used to jump over other kids on my bike when I was young. A bunch of us boys in the neighborhood would build a ramp and then lie down at the end of the ramp. We'd take turns jumping each other. We'd lay side-by-side and hold our breaths. You never wanted to be on the end if the kid jumping was a wussy. The most I ever jumped was 5 kids. I tried 6 one time, but the back tire of my bike came down on the kid's stomach and that was the end of our kid-jumping ramp.
3. I weighed 135 pounds soaking wet when I started college. My waist was 28 inches and I had long hair and a mustache. Daniel is as tall as I am, weighs more right now, and he's only 12 and in 7th grade. Big boy!
4. I have a 2nd kyu brown belt in Shotokan karate, which is two steps away from black belt. Problem is I haven't trained in over 10 years. Please don't pick a fight with me or I'll have to show you how fast I can run.
5. I'm soft-hearted. I hit a bird one day in my car. So I stopped, picked up the bird, and took it home. Angie thought I was crazy. I put the bird in a shoebox and went to get a shovel to bury it. While I was looking for the shovel, the bird came back to life and started flying around in my house. Angie was not amused. It took us almost an hour to get the bird out of the house.
6. I'm partially deaf in my left ear. When I was a kid, I fell out of a tree over 15 feet and landed partially on my head. I broke a bone in the base of my skull and hemorrhaged from my ear for over a week. As a precaution, the doctors made me stay in bed for two months. Did I mention this happened at the beginning of summer? Can you imagine being bedridden for two months of summer when you're a kid? Not pleasant! Ironically, though I have a hearing problem, I've been a sound man for two different bands. Go figure. God does have a sense of humor.
7. I took Angie out on our first date on March 31st and married her on August 18th of the same year. On our first date, I took her out in my 1968 Ford Bronco, which had no air conditioning. The passenger side door was broken and she had to crawl through the driver's side to get to her seat. When we got the restaurant, four of my buddies were still there because they had gone to the restaurant's Happy Hour. When they saw how pretty Angie was they decided to dine at the same table with us. So, on our first date, I had to compete with four other guys for Angie's attention. Who said nice guys can't finish first? We will be married for 24 years in August. By the way, I still have the Bronco too.
8. I don't like going to big parties. Some people think that because I'm a happy-go-lucky guy that I love to party-it-up big time. Truth is I prefer to be with my close circle of family and friends doing rather ordinary things. If I have a choice of being with my loved ones watching a movie or going to a big shindig with people I only casually know, the family is going to win. Call me boring, but I love my family.
9. I have this eerie sense that I don't fit in. I mean, when I'm around seniors (aged 59 and above), I become that age. When I'm around people of my generation, I become that age. When I'm around youngsters (anybody 30 and below), I become that age. My age seems to be timeless. Now you're probably saying, "What a blessing." But there are days when it feels like a curse. I wrote a song over 20 years ago that expressed my angst. Here's a sample of the lyrics: "…frustrated by the thoughts that run inside of my mind. Am I a man, am I a child?"
10. I grew up in a Southern Baptist church, was baptized in a
Oh, and before I forget, nobody solved the actor photo yesterday. In the ladybug costume was none other than Prissy Hawthorne. Julie Self was the spider. Oops, sorry Kim. Julie was a scorpion. And one of shots shows a young Chris Leader. All have gone on to star in bigger productions. Way to go Youngstage! My oldest son, John, was the grasshopper.
Plus, attached are some random "eye candy" photos for Matt
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Name That Actor
At any rate, the gem I discovered was a photo of Daniel's first starring role in "James and the Giant Peach." Some of you may have seen it performed by the Youngtroupe back around 2003. It was a very good play and it was directed by Mickey Cannon. The costumes and set were really wild and fun.
Cutting to the chase, I noticed some of our theater pals in the pictures with Daniel. See if you know who they are under those costumes.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Welcome To "Who's In His Head Now?"
1) I have a bad habit. I don't know how long it's been going guess is as long as I've been driving. I don't know why it started. I certainly don't know how to make it stop and I refuse to take medication for it. Therefore, I'm going to learn to live with it. Up until now, only my wife and kids have actually seen it. Plus, I waited until the kids were grown before I let them see it, up close and personal. But now, on this blog, I will reveal to the world....I talk to myself while I'm driving.
Oh yeah, sure, everyone talks to himself now and then. You know, we audibly remind ourselves to go to the store and pick up a loaf of bread....or stop and pick up the laundry at the cleaners. Sometimes we'll count out loud if we're faced with a math problem. We'll sing along with the radio. (My guess is Stephanie and Michael are singing Garth Brooks' songs right now.) Most times it's under the breath, though, and sometimes it's a silent monologue.
But me, I'm different....and it usually appears when I'm the car. I have conversations. There, I said it. It's out there...I said it. Now get over it. I have conversations...multiple character conversations...all for my own amusement. I try to make myself laugh. Sometimes I surprise myself with something really funny. Most times, though, it's just filler conversation. Well, before you go call the funny farm and ask them to pick me up, remember...this is a victimless crime. Since you've never heard any of the conversations, you can't claim that I've harmed you in any way. And who's to say that I'm not helping the planet by emitting carbon dioxide with each laugh?
So much for my argument. I filmed myself driving back from Ruston today. I have only a snippet of the film, but you'll get the gist. Please be's a serious problem.
2) Matt has asked me for some eye candy on my blog. I figure that this video will suffice until I find the deck of cards from Oscar and Felix. The four poker buddies had some "special" cards printed with the girls...wink, wink.
Monday, February 18, 2008
A Lizard???

Some people have made disparaging remarks about my profile pic. And I'm sure most of you have noticed that I use the same picture for both the blogspot and myspace.
Well, here's the history behind the pic. The lizard ... as some have referred to it ... is really a gecko.
We moved to our present address during the summer of '96. It was still hot as blue blazes; or as some call it, the "dog days." We had previously lived in a newer subdivision in West Monroe for the previous three years. So coming back to an older neighborhood in Monroe was a bit of an adjustment. However, since school was still out, the kids...John and Meredith...explored the outdoors and made new friends rather easily. Daniel was only one year old at the time and stayed under Angie's wing.
I believe the first night we were in our "new" home, the kids noticed we had several geckos all over the back of the house. Although fast like the common green lizards, these geckos were actually easier to catch...especially at night. So for several weeks, the kids became gecko wranglers. It was strictly a catch-and-release program; because once you caught one, it wasn't a whole lot you could do with it.
To me, the geckos around the house are like a shield because they keep out unwanted bugs. And for this reason, I am grateful to them. Plus, they are cool looking and fun to watch. I love to see them scurry about with that crazy walk. In addition, have you noticed how many commercials are using either a gecko or a lizard, lately? Who's talking for Geiko Auto Insurance? Who's dancing to Michael Jackson's "Thriller" for Life Water? ...'nuff said.
One night in October '06, I was walking through my kitchen during a rainstorm. I noticed a gecko was on the window...clinging to the pane during the storm. I quickly grabbed my camera and took several shots as he slowly moved around. The next day, I uploaded the photos to my computer. Within a few weeks, I was playing with some photo software and used the gecko as the subject. Somehow, it became a project. I would can I change the photo to make it more appealing? Really, all I was doing was experimenting with my software to learn how to use it more effectively. The end result was some cool gecko photos.
So...there you have it. The gecko that became my logo. I've offered the original photo and some of my enhancements for your viewing pleasure.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
So, What's So Funny?
I'm sitting at the computer tonight with absolutely nothing to say. Zero...zilch...laid an egg-a-roonie. I've tried several times to come up with something interesting to say or something funny to tell you, but I'm shooting blanks here. Maybe it's because I've burned the candle at both ends for several days in a row. Maybe it's because, truth be told, I'm not that interesting of a conversationalist. Certainly, my life story wouldn't fill the drama needed to make a 10-second movie. Partially, that's my fault because I shy from drama. I'm the T-Rex on "Toy Story" who says "I don't like confrontations!" Rather, it's my nature to try to make you smile. I like it even better when you laugh out loud.
What's wrong with that? Well, I can think of a few times when I was thinking of a joke when the situation needed to be more serious. I remember a time when I worked with this guy named Charlie.
I must have been about 27 or 28 years old, and Charlie was...well, heck, I really don't have a clue how old Charlie was. He looked about 65. He smoked three packs a the office...from 8-5. (Yes, people used to be able to smoke freely in the office, kids.) There's no telling how many cigarettes he smoked at home. His voice was gruff, as you would expect from someone who smoked that much. And he was short...shorter than me...and portly. Charlie always had a story to tell. Even when you were too busy to think straight, Charlie wanted to talk....well, mostly, he wanted you to listen. In the two years I worked with him, I did my fair share of listening.
But one day, he had "cornered" a co-worker when I happened to walk back into the office. Turns out, Charlie was talking about his mother's funeral that had happened years previously. I don't know why the story struck me as funny because losing your mother is not a humorous event...I know firsthand. Maybe it was because I was tickled that someone else had been the prey for his endless stories that day. Maybe it was Charlie's slow, raspy drawl. Heck, it would take him five minutes to read a seven-digit phone number. {Eat your heart out, Vinnie!} Maybe it was the way he'd look at you with his droopy, hound-dog eyes. I don't know why I did what I did. I don't know to this day...but he looked at me and I started giggling. The man was talking about his beloved dead mother and I'm giggling like a little schoolgirl. Awkward...yes... to say the least. But I can recover, right? Stop giggling Mark. Stop right now! Now! I'm not kidding, mister! STOP GIGGLING....ARGGGGHHH!!!!
Well, nope, I couldn't AND didn't stop. My laugh-box had been kicked over and there was no turning back at this point. Then Charlie looks at me and says, "So, what's so funny?" I was blank. I had nothing. Zero...zilch...egg-a-roonie. All I could do was hold on to a thin thread of decency and bite my lip. Slowly, I slunk away...snickering under my breath.
Later that day, I apologized to Charlie and told him that I had a joke floating around in my mind when I walked back in that day. I explained that I just couldn't contain myself from laughing because of the joke. He accepted my apology and we shared a laugh together.
I don't know whatever happened to Charlie. I quit working at that office over 20 years ago and it was in another state. I suppose he could still be alive, and I sure hope he gave up smoking.
Well, like I said earlier, I don't have anything to say tonight. Zero...zilch...nothing. So, what's so funny?
Saturday, February 16, 2008
It's the Small Things That Get You
You want to know what the funny thing is? It's the small things that get you. You can see a hippopotamus coming from a mile away. Even slow runners like me could take cover from a hippo. And I'm not saying I could outrun a rhino, but I dang sure think I would see it coming! But the little bugs, they can drive a man crazy!
Now you're probably asking yourself, where is Mark going with this? My point is this: It's the small things that get you. I think I heard it first from Angie's dad. After I had made some home-fix-it mistake at our first house, he told me "you can have '99 attaboys' but it's the one 'oh crap' that gets you."
I made all kinds of "brownie points" with Angie this week with her birthday and Valentine's Day. But for some unknown reason, I stayed up late last night while Angie was working. No problem, right? It's Friday night, I can sleep late Saturday. Yes, most folks probably could. But everyday I wake up at about the same time and my body clock buzzed at its regular time this morning. So up-and-at-'em just like every other day. But ole Marky ran out of gas about four this afternoon. I wasn't going to wake Angie up until about, I'm thinking one-hour nap. Forty winks will do the body good, right? I lay next to Angie and set the clock for 5:15 pm.
Oh, did I forget to tell you that I snore? Well, truth is, I SNORE!!! I pull the nails out of the wall snore. Well, Angie was effectively sleeping until I started sawing logs. She shoved me several times, which didn't do anything but make me mad. All the commotion didn't do anything but keep her awake. We both woke up "sideways" with each other. If I had only taken a nap on the couch....dumb bunny!!!
I tell you this to help us all remember, it's the small things that get you. If I had gone to bed on time last night...if I had taken a nap on the couch...if....if...if. You've heard it said that the devil is in the details. I'm starting to pick up on that right now.
Friday, February 15, 2008
I Want To Miss It All
This morning, I had to go the southwestern part of the parish to look at a property. During the drive down Hwy 34, I opened my window and let the cool breeze invade my car. It reminded me…
Yesterday I saw an old friend that I used to coach against back in 1998. He and I reminisced about some of the escapades that we had taken part of during that time. We laughed for a solid hour…remembering some of the dumb stuff we did and some of crazy pranks we pulled. We ended the conversation with “Man, I miss those days.”
On my ride back to
I miss the soccer team I coached circa 2000. I thought about them yesterday because I was at the funeral for one of the players' grandfathers. The team practiced every Tuesday and Thursday at Covenant Presbyterian Church. That little Service Master team was full of characters; and the friendship of the parents was so genuine. I miss the
I miss the neighborhood Angie and I lived in while we were in
I miss the neighborhood where I grew up. There must have been about two dozen kids that lived in a two-block radius. There was usually a tag-football game going on every Saturday. And we rode our bikes virtually everywhere and made ramps to jump. At night, we’d do sinister things like shooting crabapples at cars using our Wrist-Rocket slingshots. You’ve never experienced fear until you have a grown man chasing you through an alley because you just “thumped” his car. I miss the nicknames because everybody had a nickname. To this day, I still don’t know some of those kids “real” names.
I miss the videos Meredith used to send me when she was a freshman at LSU. She and her roommate, Dani, would record Meredith dancing to different songs. Some times, Ernie, her stuffed dog, would participate. The videos always made me laugh and marvel at her creativity.
I miss John hitting the game-winning single in the bottom of the last inning of a baseball game. I was coaching first base that night and when the base-runner scored, John and I hugged at first base and screamed in unison. What a feeling!!I miss Daniel looking me square in the eye and telling me “I’m not the Hammer…I’m the Big Cat.” I had started calling him “Hammer” when he was a toddler because he was so rough with all of his toys. One day, when he was about three, he straightened me out. We still don’t know where he came up with “the Big Cat,” but it stuck. I still call him that today.
I miss my mom on so many different levels. My mom loved to watch boxing. She was such a mild, meek lady, but when boxing came on, Katie bar the door! She probably could have been a great boxing manager. I miss hearing her sing and I miss hearing her laugh.
I miss my dad on so many levels too. He was infinitely funnier than I’ll ever be in a million years. He didn’t have a formal education, but I would have pitted him up against any of the brightest minds I know. He thought fast on his feet and was as quick-witted as anyone I’ve ever known.
To sum it up, I guess I’m happy that I’m missing these things. Ironic, isn’t it? I kid with Angie that when I get into something, I go all in…no holding back. You know…jump in feet first and start running. But isn’t that the way we’re supposed to live? I’m soaking it all up…how about you? Ten years from now, I hope I’m able to sit back, laugh, and say: “Man, I miss those days.”
Thursday, February 14, 2008
On Valentine's Day....Here's to love...No, Here's to Commitment

I wonder how many times the words "I love you" were uttered today in America? I wonder how much candy and how many bouquets of flowers were given today as a "sign" of love? The answer would probably boggle the mind. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against Valentine's Day. To the contrary, I celebrate it like the best of 'em. But here I am...pondering...
*** not proceed unless you are ready to hear my honest thoughts on some serious matters. This will be my reflections on what, I believe, will matter most to you and your loved ones. Now, if you proceed, consider yourself fairly warned.***
In my office, there is a small, subtle sign that I found in one of my father's desks. It's a tiny piece of wood that is painted dark brown. Glued to the face are seven pieces of carved wood that are painted white. Some folks have looked at the sign and asked "what's that?" Others look at it and immediately see the "Answer" slightly hidden in the carvings. Please see the attached photo for review. Rather than dwell on the sign, let's move forward...I have bigger fish to fry.
Cutting to the chase, I ask you point blank...what if Christ had loved us but wasn't committed to saving us? Certainly, Christ loved the poor and the downtrodden. He loved children. He loved widows and orphans. He dined with sinners and ne'er-do-wells. He associated with the outcast of society. Can anyone truthfully say that Christ did not show "love" in His life? So, let's agree that Christ loved all people.
But what if Christ had only shown His love by giving gifts of "candy," such as His words, or by offering "flowers," such as His miracles; and then not been committed to paying for our sins on the cross? We'd be lost...literally! He showed us love, but, most importantly, He was committed to the end. I borrow from an excerpt from one of John Piper's sermons from January 2007.
"Christ thought of himself as the bridegroom coming for his bride, the true people of God (Matthew 9:15; 25:1ff; John 3:29)." "Christ knew he would have to pay the dowry of his own blood for his redeemed bride. He called this relationship the new covenant—“This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood” (Luke 22:20)." "Staying married, therefore, is not about staying in love. It is about keeping covenant. “Till death do us part,” or, “As long as we both shall live” is sacred covenant promise—the same kind Jesus made with his bride when he died for her." (For more in depth coverage of the subject matter, visit: Search "Staying Married Is Not About Staying in Love")
Forget the candy and the flowers. Christ is waiting for you. He kept His promise. He kept His commitment. He loves you, but most importantly, He is committed to you. He will not let you down. The world will chew you up and spit you out. He won't. Everybody, including your loved ones, will let you down at one time or another. Christ will not fail you!
Love is a very, very important teaching of Christ. The Apostle Paul wrote that of faith, hope, and love...the greatest is love. Love is a blessing from God and God IS love. But, as you sit here and read some knucklehead's blog, we all know love comes and love goes. We don't always love everyone, everyday. In fact, truth be told, you won't always be "in love" with your spouse. If you have been married for over seven years, you probably ready to give me a "high five." But...if you are committed to your spouse, like Christ is committed to His believers, you will fall "in love" again.
My father was a Marine during WWII. He fought on Iwo Jima, which happens to be one of America's bloodiest battles. He rarely told me of any of the horrors he experienced during his month on the island. He did state this, though, that he would have done anything for his buddies that he fought alongside. They were committed to each other. They didn't always love one another, but when the going got rough, they were faithful to each other. Interestingly, the Marine slogan, Semper Fi, means "always faithful." Thank God that Christ is always faithful to us.
***EXTRA NOTE: 2/18/08***
***I hope that everyone can experience what I experience in my life. My wife and I have been happily married for over 23 years. I love her and she loves me! Plus, we're committed to each other. We've been through some tough situations, but love has always carried us through. ***
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Happy Birthday, Angie!

Angie and I went on our first date on 3/31/1984. She had just had her 19th birthday the month before. We married that summer in August. So, I had almost a whole year to learn the rule. Her birthday is February 13th and Valentine's Day is February 14th. The two days are separate and never to be considered the same day for gift-giving purposes. No heart-shaped birthday cakes, no "Happy Birthday/Be My Valentine" parties, no mixing of the two days in any form or fashion.
Tonight, I made one of her favorite meals...Angie Burgers (Hawaiian style), BB rice, and baked beans. And Daniel baked Angie's birthday cake...chocolate on chocolate. mmmmm!!!! Plus, John and Angelle came by to join the party. Fun, fun, fun.
My intention tonight was to upload a bunch of vintage pictures of Angie growing up. She was adorable as a little girl and beautiful as a young lady. But alas, I couldn't find the album with all of the photos of her youth. I did find some of the photos I've taken since we've been married. The crazy thing is that in almost every picture, she has one or all of the kids hugging her or she's holding one of the many pets that we've had over the years. But that, in a nutshell, is Angie. She LOVES our two ways about it. She would give her life for any one of them. She's the best mom that God could have ever given me to help raise our children. And Angie loves animals. She has such a compassionate heart for all of our pets. It's no wonder why all of the pets seem to gravitate towards her.
When does 1 + 1 + 1 = 2 Much Fun?

For all those whose didn't make the lunch bunch, I'm sad to say....we had tooooo much fun. The restaurant put us in a private room where Matt could behave any way he wanted and Mikey didn't have to worry about beating the ladies off with a stick. Plus, I got to sit with my back against the wall to avoid a possible mob hit.
Most importantly, we had as much fun as we've ever had at lunch. We know that some couldn't attend due to illness, some couldn't attend due to work, and some couldn't attend due to other circumstances. However, that did not deter us from laughing at the top of our lungs and enjoying good food. In fact, I'd say the picture I took speaks was a blur, baby!
Later I'm going to post a special blog in honor of Angie's birthday. Drop back by and read it, if you please.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Lately, have you thought about what you were handed down from the past? I'm not referring to the collective gifts of knowledge that we all share now, such as medical advancements, computer technology, etc. I’m specifically talking about the non-material gifts you obtained from your parents.
Typically, not a day goes by that someone doesn’t ask me if I am Harry Addison’s son. Usually, it is followed by some interesting or humorous story that my father was involved in. What an ice-breaker! Most times it means immediate acceptance by the other person…before they even know me. You can’t ask for a better legacy!
So, I pose a question to you. What legacy are you leaving for your loved ones? When I was younger, I guess I didn’t care. I wanted to win the rat race. Then it dawned on me, I’m running with a bunch of rats!
Now my soapbox, if you will allow me…have integrity…show compassion…but most importantly, take time to develop your relationship with God.
I finish with a poem that I read tonight. My father wrote this in the 70’s I believe. If you like it, try picking up one of this three books. They're in most bookstores in town and also at the parish library.
"These are the hands that held you
when you were hurt
And combed your hair and
washed away the dirt
These are the hands that
held your fevered brow
And gave you love and
understanding when you were
young and even now
These are the hands that
worked for you and glad
And were never raised in anger
at you when you were bad
So take these hands and remember
that it’s true
If ever trouble comes your way
they’ll be extended again for you."
Monday, February 11, 2008
How to Straighten a Crooked Guitar Finger

Almost a year ago, I was diagnosed with some form of arthritis. It's only been a problem, though, when I'm doing something strenuous that I normally don't do. Case in point, I love to hike on trails in the mountains. I get a kick out of seeing God's handywork; and, most times, you have to take the road less traveled to see it. Our last trip to the Ozarks was a blast! However, when we got home, my arthritic knee was swollen to the point that I hobbled around for several days. That's just the price I pay now. Welcome to Over-forty-ville...population...a gazillion and climbing.
The problem these days aren't the knees so much as the fingers. I play guitar everyday! I can't walk by one without picking it up, strumming, picking, etc. I go out of my way to play. Unfortunately, the little finger on my left hand has really started taking a turn for the worse...literally. In fact, it seems to have a mind of its own. The last knuckle is deformed a tad and is beginning to bear right. No, I'm not the "Elephant Man" by any stretch of the imagination, but it hurts to play for long periods of time. In addition, some chords are getting harder and harder to fret correctly.
Well, a while back, a watched a video of an old blues guitarist named CeDell Davis. As a child he suffered from polio, which left him with very limited use of his hands. Even though he couldn't play in the conventional manner, he picked up a butter knife and created his own sound by sliding the knife up and down the fret board. I'll admit, listening the CeDell is an acquired taste. Most folks find that his sound is out-of-tune or primitive. But he inspires me. If he can play slide guitar, then why not me? you want to know how to straighten a crooked guitar finger? Watch my video.
Extra Note: My wife read the blog, watched the video, and then said "I don't get it." I guess it's not self-explanatory for those who don't play guitar. I was trying to be humorous and show that you cover up your inability with a this case, a guitar slide. Since my finger won't cooperate, I'm learning how to play slide guitar.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Sunday, sunny Sunday

Wow, was the day gorgeous or what? On my way home from church, Angie called and wanted to know if I wanted to go for a bike ride. Hello??? Does Mike Tyson sweat during a spelling bee?
I changed into some shorts, aired up the bike tires, and off we went. Angie and Daniel had already mapped out the course, so I just went along, not really knowing where we'd end up. As we pedaled through residential neighborhoods, I soaked up the sounds of an old blues album from my iPod. The sun was brilliant and the temperature was mid 70's...quite comfortable. It wasn't long before I realized we were heading for the Forsythe Park. Lots of folks were taking advantage of the pleasant weather and enjoying family time at the park. While we were there, we met a gentleman who had just finished running a 13-mile course. Oh, by the way, he's 65! He looked fit as a fiddle. We struck up a conversation and made a new friend.
Traveling back home, we rode on the levee for a mile or two. It's amazing the natural resources we have right here in the twin cities. I'm afraid we take it for granted so often. I took some photos of the river and Angie and Daniel on the levee. By the way, I took the photos with my cell phone and I couldn't see the display on my screen. So please don't gripe about the amateur framing. Angie says it's because I'm photogr-awful. On a positive note, I took several wonderful pictures of my feet and the bike pedals. =)
Later, I went to a play rehearsal for "Reality Bites Back." This one is going to stretch my acting muscles because we're going to ad-lib some of the performance with the audience each night. As usual, I'll be leaning on my stage-veteran friends for help. Did I mention most of these stage vets are young enough to be my chil... er, I younger brothers and sisters. Although the cast is not complete yet, this looks like this is going to be FUN!
Saturday, February 09, 2008
We All Have Addictions
I do like Saturdays. John, Angie, and I stayed up late Friday night and watched Bourne Ultimatum. So this morning, I let my bride sleep late. I realize I'm tooting my own horn here, but breakfast was waiting for her when she arose from her slumber. We decided to tackle the mess under our carport today. What a chore! Actually, Angie took on the lawn and I took the carport. Both were formidable obstacles. But Angie has a green thumb and it's such a pleasure to watch her work in a flower garden. I envision God smiling from heaven as He watches her toil in the soil with such merriment.
After cleaning for most of the day, we went to a party with some of our friends from church. While I was there, I realized how addicted I am to laughter. I can't go a day without laughing or I go crazy. I don't mean chuckling mildly or laughing for a ten second burst. I'm talking about a kick-your-head-back-and-guffaw-for-a-minute-or-more laughter. I evidently require several of these boisterous expressions of pleasure per day. If I don't get my fix, I lose what little grip on reality that I cling to. So, here's a warning: if you see me smiling, get ready...I'm thinking of a one-liner. Please don't hold it against me...I'm an addict.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
If life is a cake, then friends are the icing

Friends do make life more fun, don’t they? Today, as planned, some of the cast of Oscar & Felix dined together at the mall. In addition to the regular O&F Lunch Bunch, we had some other stage veterans join us; namely Kim and Tony Sanson, Laura Michelle Wolfe, Cathy Burgess, and even my wife. I handed Matt Wilkins my camera and he took some candid shots…hope you like them.

My creative juices are flowing today. I have a new project that may be heading my way. But I’ll save the discussion for another post. Suffice it to say, I’m really excited about this one and the opportunity it presents.
Special Note: Matt Wilkins and his sister deserve kudos for filming and posting some of the O&F performances. Check out Matt’s website for the video. I’ve posted a link to his site on my page.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
More Air Time
Lately, I can't go anywhere without someone telling me they saw me on a commercial. A couple of months ago, I acted in a commercial for Encore Cleaning and the commercial is just now running regularly on TV. Although the producers sent me a copy of the commercial after it was edited, I haven't seen it on TV yet. I wonder how I'm going to feel after I see my goofy butt on the small screen.
Tomorrow, I expect I'll get to have lunch with some of the Oscar and Felix cast. I can't wait because we can't ever seem to control our laughter. And we all know that laughter is good for the soul. Plus, my soul needs some work.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Angie's Pre-Birthday Party

Arriving back home, we surprised Angie with a birthday pie! Strawberry goodness from Not Just Pie. Plus Meredith had picked out some special ice cream as well. Now I feel fat as a tick. I think I gained six pounds...but it was worth it. (seems like I've heard that before somewhere)
Monday, February 04, 2008
Monday Blues
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Not Your Typical Super Bowl Sunday

Meredith finished whatever she was working on and walked over to the TV. She asked me if I wanted to watch something with her. My answer, of course, was "Yes, the Super Bowl." But she promptly put in a DVD of "Little People, Big World." We watched about an hour's worth and I sat patiently...longing to know the score. She grew weary of watching that show, so she got up and asked if there was something else I'd like to watch. "Yes, the Super Bowl." Unfazed, she put in "Gilmore Girls." Did you read that!!!??? I watched several episodes of "Gilmore Girls" while the Super Bowl was on. ...And you thought it was easy being me.
Well, God rewarded me for my behavior. Throughout the GG marathon, I went to the bathroom on a regular basis....wink, wink. Truthfully, I would walk to the back of the house and check the score. You're going to think I'm lying, but every time I walked to the back, somebody would score. I didn't get to see the whole game, but I saw every score in real time. Wacky!
Then the thought occurred to me: how many dads were watching "Gilmore Girls" with their daughters during the Super Bowl? I may not be in a class by myself, but it doesn't take long to call roll.
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Lazy Saturday

Today has been fun. Hil and I finished the fiddle. Plus, I got to meet some of Hil's friends and even got to play alongside them in jam session.
First, Hil and I glued the fingerboard onto the fiddle and set it aside to dry. Then we went to one of his friend's to show off one of Hil's mandolins. While we were there, I got to sit down and play guitar with some true southern gentlemen...El and Joe. El picked up a guitar and starting playing and Joe joined on the mandolin. As for me, I held a guitar and tried to hang on as the train was leaving the station...if you know what I mean. We played several tunes together, but mostly I was a spectator. But it was great fun and they are such interesting folks!
Back at Hil's, we put the bridge on the fiddle and put on a set of new strings. After a few adjustments, Hil christened it with a song. Sounds great!
Tonight I'm taking my bride to the Strauss Masquerade Ball. Somebody asked me earlier what I was wearing and I told them that I'd be the one in the mask...get it? I'm really looking forward to seeing some of my theater friends. Plus, I know I'll be with the prettiest girl there.
Friday, February 01, 2008
Geriatric Blues

I spent some more time with Hil today working on my fiddle. When I got there, he had already taken the clamps off and was preparing to apply the pre-stain. We applied a generous coat and then set it aside to allow it to dry. I've noticed that Hil is very resourceful. The clamps that he uses are custom-made by Hil out of typical items found in any hardware store. In fact, many of the gadgets he uses to graduate fiddles have been designed and made from his own craftiness. Growing up during the Depression will make you learn to use what you have available. My dad was the same way.
I stained the fiddle after it was dry and then HIl applied several coats of lacquer. Tomorrow, we'll apply the fingerboard and the tuning pegs. It won't be long before the neighbors accuse me of torturing a cat because I can't play the fiddle. Also, Hil worked on a 5-string fiddle he's building with his brother. He said that the gospel fiddlers like to have access to the low C string for playing some traditional songs and he's already made a handful of these hybrid instruments.
Hil has written a song called "Geriatric Blues" that he plays on the harmonica. He cut lose on a few verses today and I started filming. He's written over twenty verses to this song. It's gets funnier every time I hear it. Maybe someday I'll be able to play it when I'm in my eighties.