I wonder how many times the words "I love you" were uttered today in America? I wonder how much candy and how many bouquets of flowers were given today as a "sign" of love? The answer would probably boggle the mind. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against Valentine's Day. To the contrary, I celebrate it like the best of 'em. But here I am...pondering...
***Warning...do not proceed unless you are ready to hear my honest thoughts on some serious matters. This will be my reflections on what, I believe, will matter most to you and your loved ones. Now, if you proceed, consider yourself fairly warned.***
In my office, there is a small, subtle sign that I found in one of my father's desks. It's a tiny piece of wood that is painted dark brown. Glued to the face are seven pieces of carved wood that are painted white. Some folks have looked at the sign and asked "what's that?" Others look at it and immediately see the "Answer" slightly hidden in the carvings. Please see the attached photo for review. Rather than dwell on the sign, let's move forward...I have bigger fish to fry.
Cutting to the chase, I ask you point blank...what if Christ had loved us but wasn't committed to saving us? Certainly, Christ loved the poor and the downtrodden. He loved children. He loved widows and orphans. He dined with sinners and ne'er-do-wells. He associated with the outcast of society. Can anyone truthfully say that Christ did not show "love" in His life? So, let's agree that Christ loved all people.
But what if Christ had only shown His love by giving gifts of "candy," such as His words, or by offering "flowers," such as His miracles; and then not been committed to paying for our sins on the cross? We'd be lost...literally! He showed us love, but, most importantly, He was committed to the end. I borrow from an excerpt from one of John Piper's sermons from January 2007.
"Christ thought of himself as the bridegroom coming for his bride, the true people of God (Matthew 9:15; 25:1ff; John 3:29)." "Christ knew he would have to pay the dowry of his own blood for his redeemed bride. He called this relationship the new covenant—“This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood” (Luke 22:20)." "Staying married, therefore, is not about staying in love. It is about keeping covenant. “Till death do us part,” or, “As long as we both shall live” is sacred covenant promise—the same kind Jesus made with his bride when he died for her." (For more in depth coverage of the subject matter, visit: http://www.desiringgod.org. Search "Staying Married Is Not About Staying in Love")
Forget the candy and the flowers. Christ is waiting for you. He kept His promise. He kept His commitment. He loves you, but most importantly, He is committed to you. He will not let you down. The world will chew you up and spit you out. He won't. Everybody, including your loved ones, will let you down at one time or another. Christ will not fail you!
Love is a very, very important teaching of Christ. The Apostle Paul wrote that of faith, hope, and love...the greatest is love. Love is a blessing from God and God IS love. But, as you sit here and read some knucklehead's blog, we all know love comes and love goes. We don't always love everyone, everyday. In fact, truth be told, you won't always be "in love" with your spouse. If you have been married for over seven years, you probably ready to give me a "high five." But...if you are committed to your spouse, like Christ is committed to His believers, you will fall "in love" again.
My father was a Marine during WWII. He fought on Iwo Jima, which happens to be one of America's bloodiest battles. He rarely told me of any of the horrors he experienced during his month on the island. He did state this, though, that he would have done anything for his buddies that he fought alongside. They were committed to each other. They didn't always love one another, but when the going got rough, they were faithful to each other. Interestingly, the Marine slogan, Semper Fi, means "always faithful." Thank God that Christ is always faithful to us.
***EXTRA NOTE: 2/18/08***
***I hope that everyone can experience what I experience in my life. My wife and I have been happily married for over 23 years. I love her and she loves me! Plus, we're committed to each other. We've been through some tough situations, but love has always carried us through. ***
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