Angie and I went on our first date on 3/31/1984. She had just had her 19th birthday the month before. We married that summer in August. So, I had almost a whole year to learn the rule. Her birthday is February 13th and Valentine's Day is February 14th. The two days are separate and never to be considered the same day for gift-giving purposes. No heart-shaped birthday cakes, no "Happy Birthday/Be My Valentine" parties, no mixing of the two days in any form or fashion.
Tonight, I made one of her favorite meals...Angie Burgers (Hawaiian style), BB rice, and baked beans. And Daniel baked Angie's birthday cake...chocolate on chocolate. mmmmm!!!! Plus, John and Angelle came by to join the party. Fun, fun, fun.
My intention tonight was to upload a bunch of vintage pictures of Angie growing up. She was adorable as a little girl and beautiful as a young lady. But alas, I couldn't find the album with all of the photos of her youth. I did find some of the photos I've taken since we've been married. The crazy thing is that in almost every picture, she has one or all of the kids hugging her or she's holding one of the many pets that we've had over the years. But that, in a nutshell, is Angie. She LOVES our kids...no two ways about it. She would give her life for any one of them. She's the best mom that God could have ever given me to help raise our children. And Angie loves animals. She has such a compassionate heart for all of our pets. It's no wonder why all of the pets seem to gravitate towards her.
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