Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Lately, have you thought about what you were handed down from the past? I'm not referring to the collective gifts of knowledge that we all share now, such as medical advancements, computer technology, etc. I’m specifically talking about the non-material gifts you obtained from your parents.

Typically, not a day goes by that someone doesn’t ask me if I am Harry Addison’s son. Usually, it is followed by some interesting or humorous story that my father was involved in. What an ice-breaker! Most times it means immediate acceptance by the other person…before they even know me. You can’t ask for a better legacy!

So, I pose a question to you. What legacy are you leaving for your loved ones? When I was younger, I guess I didn’t care. I wanted to win the rat race. Then it dawned on me, I’m running with a bunch of rats!

Now my soapbox, if you will allow me…have integrity…show compassion…but most importantly, take time to develop your relationship with God.

I finish with a poem that I read tonight. My father wrote this in the 70’s I believe. If you like it, try picking up one of this three books. They're in most bookstores in town and also at the parish library.

"These are the hands that held you

when you were hurt

And combed your hair and

washed away the dirt

These are the hands that

held your fevered brow

And gave you love and

understanding when you were

young and even now

These are the hands that

worked for you and glad

And were never raised in anger

at you when you were bad

So take these hands and remember

that it’s true

If ever trouble comes your way

they’ll be extended again for you."


Cathy Burgess said...

Wow, I didn't know your dad had authored books. You certainly got some of his creative talent! Have a great day.

Michael W. Wilkes said...

It's a great thing for people to think about. I'm glad I've got some great friends who happen to be gifted writers with wise thoughts. If I come up with anymore adjectives, I will let you know.

Anonymous said...

Oh I wasn't talking about 'your post' and 'religion'. That was totally my thought! But I am gonna watch that video and I'll get back to ya!