Thursday, February 28, 2008

Man Voice

I went to bed late and woke up early. Guess you could say I'm "dog" tired. So tonight belongs to Scooter.

First things, first. Daniel was on K-104 with Toby-O and John this morning, along with the perpetually lovely, Laura Michelle. Way cool! Thanks John and Toby!

Now on to the blog. The other day I blogged about how Scooter gets excited if you jangle your keys or say "go" too loudly. I forgot to tell you about another thing Scooter has picked up. If you've ever studied classical conditioning (remember Pavlov's dog experiment), you'll understand. His "trigger" now is seeing Angie in her running clothes. For the past month she has been taking Scooter on her morning runs. If she walks in the den in her exercise outfit, Scooter uses what we like to refer to as his "man voice." People, we're being sarcastic here!

And because Scooter is considered "my" dog, all of the family likes to make fun of him. Personally, I think Scooter is similar to Dalton in "Roadhouse." He's "nice until it's time to not be nice." You wouldn't catch that from watching this video, would you? =)


Kimber said...

How cute. I thought his tail (or what there is of it) was going to fly right off!!

MajorLamont said...

Right boot.

pard1959 said...

Take the biggest guy in the world, shatter his knee and he'll drop like a stone.

Cathy Burgess said...

I wish I was conditioned like Scooter, i.e., someone jangles their keys and I'm ready to go.

kidcardco said...

I just want to make a post on your blog today. That's all.