Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Beautiful God! Beautiful Weather! So-So Singing?

Today God provided something for me that I needed right then, right there. Sometimes we pray about things and it may take days, weeks, or even years before God provides what we've requested. Sometimes, the prayers go unanswered. During those times, we tend to feel isolated from God, as if He is not listening. Funny how we are usually thankful, though, for some of those unanswered prayers.

But today, He delivered me from a problem. Fast! So I was singing and praising...and I brought you along for the ride. Most people would be quick to interject that "Slide" by the Goo Goo Dolls is not exactly a praise and worship song. They'd be right. But that didn't stop me from having a thankful heart for God's beautiful and mysterious ways.


Kimber said...

"Mark!!! stop! you can't even keep in beat with the song!" *hits you* (That was for Angie). ;-)

pard1959 said...

Another thing that I noticed was I was singing "Babe" and the song refers to a girl named "May." So sue me.

MajorLamont said...

Thank you Mark. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Mark, you have got to give me fair warning before I watch these! I almost spilled hot coffee on myself!! I saw the Goo Goo Dolls in concert when I was in high school and it was awesome...I've always been a huge fan.

Cathy Burgess said...

Puhleeezz be careful when you video yourself when driving! I know I sound like a mama, but I can't help it. I am happy God blessed you in a way you needed. And thankful that you gave him credit. To often I forget to thank him, let alone tell people. Hope today is as good as yesterday!

Michael W. Wilkes said...

Mark... I was thinking the same thing yesterday about how beautiful it was and how blessed I am. You are really tempting me to bring out my camera for these blogs. Just a warning. Ha!