I do like Saturdays. John, Angie, and I stayed up late Friday night and watched Bourne Ultimatum. So this morning, I let my bride sleep late. I realize I'm tooting my own horn here, but breakfast was waiting for her when she arose from her slumber. We decided to tackle the mess under our carport today. What a chore! Actually, Angie took on the lawn and I took the carport. Both were formidable obstacles. But Angie has a green thumb and it's such a pleasure to watch her work in a flower garden. I envision God smiling from heaven as He watches her toil in the soil with such merriment.
After cleaning for most of the day, we went to a party with some of our friends from church. While I was there, I realized how addicted I am to laughter. I can't go a day without laughing or I go crazy. I don't mean chuckling mildly or laughing for a ten second burst. I'm talking about a kick-your-head-back-and-guffaw-for-a-minute-or-more laughter. I evidently require several of these boisterous expressions of pleasure per day. If I don't get my fix, I lose what little grip on reality that I cling to. So, here's a warning: if you see me smiling, get ready...I'm thinking of a one-liner. Please don't hold it against me...I'm an addict.
Where do you guys go to church?? I've been looking for a new one!
~The Lagniappe
We're members of Parkview Baptist on Forsythe. It's the church I grew up in, got baptized, got married, etc. I'd love to have you as a guest anytime. Please let me know when you'd like to go and we'll treate you to lunch as well.
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