Thursday, July 31, 2008
Sad News...
I received an email from my sister a couple of days ago. The attached story was the body of the message. I have to admit...this is my kind of humor....corny.
Please join me in remembering a great icon of the entertainment community. The Pillsbury Doughboy died yesterday of a yeast infection and trauma complications from repeated pokes in the belly. He was 71.

Doughboy was buried in a lightly greased coffin. Dozens of celebrities turned out to pay their respects, including Mrs. Butterworth, Hungry Jack, the California Raisins, Betty Crocker, the Hostess Twinkies, and Captain Crunch. The grave site was piled high with flours.
Aunt Jemima delivered the eulogy and lovingly described Doughboy as a man who never knew how much he was kneaded. Doughboy rose quickly in show business, but his later life was filled with turnovers. He was not considered a very smart cookie, wasting much of his dough on half-baked schemes. Despite being a little flakey at times, he still was a crusty old man and was considered a positive roll model for millions.
Doughboy is survived by his wife Play Dough, three children: John Dough, Jane Dough and Dosey Dough, plus they had one in the oven. He is also survived by his elderly father, Pop Tart. The funeral was held at 3:50 for about 20 minutes.
Please join me in remembering a great icon of the entertainment community. The Pillsbury Doughboy died yesterday of a yeast infection and trauma complications from repeated pokes in the belly. He was 71.

Doughboy was buried in a lightly greased coffin. Dozens of celebrities turned out to pay their respects, including Mrs. Butterworth, Hungry Jack, the California Raisins, Betty Crocker, the Hostess Twinkies, and Captain Crunch. The grave site was piled high with flours.
Aunt Jemima delivered the eulogy and lovingly described Doughboy as a man who never knew how much he was kneaded. Doughboy rose quickly in show business, but his later life was filled with turnovers. He was not considered a very smart cookie, wasting much of his dough on half-baked schemes. Despite being a little flakey at times, he still was a crusty old man and was considered a positive roll model for millions.
Doughboy is survived by his wife Play Dough, three children: John Dough, Jane Dough and Dosey Dough, plus they had one in the oven. He is also survived by his elderly father, Pop Tart. The funeral was held at 3:50 for about 20 minutes.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Three Hundred Sixty Five Degrees
A few days ago, Angie startled me with an early wake-up. She was actually off that night; but, because she works nights, she doesn't always get a full night's sleep. (I don't know how she ever gets her body clock in order.) What happened is this....
She woke up around 4:30 and just stayed in bed. Since she couldn't go back to sleep, she finally got up around 5:00 and went into the kitchen. She had a large bag of black-eyed peas that a friend had given her and she decided that right then was as good as anytime to cook 'em.
It's important for you to know that Angie has a keen sense of hearing. When John and Meredith were toddlers, Angie could hear them turn over in the crib in the middle of the night. How do I know this? Because she would wake me up at 2:00 in the morning to go check on a baby that got tired of sleeping on his/her back and rolled in the crib. At any rate, while she was cooking her peas, Angie heard the rumble of a truck.
Now, early in our marriage, Angie would have immediately awakened me. But, over the course of 24 years, she's learned (1) that, most of the times, the bump in the night is usually nothing; and (2) I don't wake up easily anymore after having gone through this drill for so many false alarms. So, now she'll check things out first before she gets me up.
She walked outside to see where the sound was originating. She noticed a fire truck only one block away. And in the dimly lit pre-dawn sky, she saw a huge blaze. At this point, she ran inside and startled me awake. You know that state of being...your head is still in dreamland, but your body is picking up real-world stimuli. "What, what, where am I?" I wearily asked. "There's a house on fire down the street! Hurry up and come see it!" she quickly retorted. And with that, she was off...heading back outside. I found a pair of shorts and stumbled into them. Groggily, I walked out to the driveway. And what did my wondrous eyes see? A huge flame dancing in the night. The fire looked like it was trying to lick the leaves on the trees above the house. My first thoughts were "I hope everyone is out of the house." There were no less than five rescue vehicles already on site, so I figured they at least had that part under control. The next thought that came to my mind was "get your camera." I ran inside, but it was no where to be found. After five minutes, I finally gave up the hunt for the camera and went back outside. That's when I noticed Angie had it and was steady taking shots.
It was a surreal moment to say the least. Humid, dark morning...rescue trucks timbers crackling...bright yellow and orange flames piercing the night. Not to mention that getting startled awake before 5:30 in the morning makes my body act funny. As it turned out, my BP was lower than typical that day...all day. I dunno...just weird to say the least.
Well, the off-the-record story about the house fire. Someone broke into the house that morning, stole some money, games, etc. and then started a house fire to cover up the break-in. At least that's what I've been told by more than three reputable people. No one was in the house at the time, but most everything was destroyed by either fire, smoke, or water. Please pray for the family as they try to recover from this loss.
Angie didn't videotape like I would have. I probably would have zoomed in and captured several minutes of footage. So instead, I just spliced together her photos and short video to make a little vignette. I hope this doesn't offend anybody or show a lack of concern for the homeowner. I really am concerned. But as I described earlier, this was surreal!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Please Help Find A Cure
Monday, July 28, 2008
That's How I Roll
I'm going to attempt to do a final blog on Death of Dr. Pepper. It's easier said than done because I had a great time leading up to and during the performances of this play. Hey, wait a tick! I've still got videos and photos on my camera from the last weekend. Heck, I can do some more blogs this week. Sawry! But I have given you fair warning. hehe
My hat is off to our director, Steve Munz, and my fellow actors, Priscilla, Krystle, Laura Michelle, Mikey, and John. Also, I'd like to recognize the waitstaff...namely, Rhonda, Pat, Betty, and Hope. Unfortunately, they had to play along with my character...even when they were stressed and tired. The blog today centers on my creative process; which, I'll admit, is rather limited at times.
Every night during the show, my performance began at the Cork Room bar. I would enter, inconspicuously, at roughly the same time people began receiving their soups and salads. My job was to sit and "notice" the unusual activity happening during the next hour and a half. If you didn't make the play, let me explain some basic elements: Dr. Pepper would enter looking for his wife, visit with some tables, and then leave. Then Mrs. Pepper #1 would enter, visit with some tables and leave. Next, Mrs. Pepper #2 would enter, visit, and leave. Finally, Mrs. Pepper #3 would do the same as the others. Afterwards, Dr. Pepper's nephew would enter looking for his doctor and aunt. By the way, he's never met his aunt yet, because she and the doctor recently married. Eventually the nephew would become a nuisance and my character's job was to step in and calm him down.
All of this action took place during 7:00 to 8:30. Every show, I'd sit at the bar for an hour and a half. I only had two people approach me during the nine performances. Both times, the people that approached me were already working on trying to solve the murder mystery. The murder hadn't even taken place yet, but they were already trying to solve it. Needless to say, I had a lot of private time at the bar. Had it not been for the aforementioned waitstaff, I probably would have lost my mind. They kept me swimming in gin...wink, wink. Actually, every night they'd pour me a highball glass of water and add some olives as a garnish. In my solitude, I'd usually play with a map of Monroe. But the most important thing I did was try to come up with something new to pick on Mikey's character.
I always had a pen, but rarely did I take any paper into the bar. So, I would use what was available...napkins. I've included a sample of three nights of doodlings. When I would come up with an idea, I'd jot it down on the napkin and read it over and over. Sometimes, I'd talk it out in my character's voice trying to get the rhythm and timing right. And, of course, I'd have to do it quietly because tables were less than ten feet away from me. Usually, Mikey would give me some ideas before the show began....that's teamwork. We all wanted this play to be a success...even if it meant our character would be the "butt" of the joke. To help you understand why I wrote what I wrote, it's important for you to know that Mikey's character is accused of being a bedwetter. At a certain point in every show, I'd run off with at least three jokes about peeing problems. They weren't all funny. {Baseball analogy follows} In fact, some were "swings and misses." But some were homeruns. Most important though...we stood at the plate and took cuts at it. And like one of my coaches' favorite lines: I would "swing hard just in case you hit it." {End of baseball analogy}
All that being said, here's some of my work. I realize it's rudimentary, but that's how I roll....4 real.
My hat is off to our director, Steve Munz, and my fellow actors, Priscilla, Krystle, Laura Michelle, Mikey, and John. Also, I'd like to recognize the waitstaff...namely, Rhonda, Pat, Betty, and Hope. Unfortunately, they had to play along with my character...even when they were stressed and tired. The blog today centers on my creative process; which, I'll admit, is rather limited at times.
Every night during the show, my performance began at the Cork Room bar. I would enter, inconspicuously, at roughly the same time people began receiving their soups and salads. My job was to sit and "notice" the unusual activity happening during the next hour and a half. If you didn't make the play, let me explain some basic elements: Dr. Pepper would enter looking for his wife, visit with some tables, and then leave. Then Mrs. Pepper #1 would enter, visit with some tables and leave. Next, Mrs. Pepper #2 would enter, visit, and leave. Finally, Mrs. Pepper #3 would do the same as the others. Afterwards, Dr. Pepper's nephew would enter looking for his doctor and aunt. By the way, he's never met his aunt yet, because she and the doctor recently married. Eventually the nephew would become a nuisance and my character's job was to step in and calm him down.
All of this action took place during 7:00 to 8:30. Every show, I'd sit at the bar for an hour and a half. I only had two people approach me during the nine performances. Both times, the people that approached me were already working on trying to solve the murder mystery. The murder hadn't even taken place yet, but they were already trying to solve it. Needless to say, I had a lot of private time at the bar. Had it not been for the aforementioned waitstaff, I probably would have lost my mind. They kept me swimming in gin...wink, wink. Actually, every night they'd pour me a highball glass of water and add some olives as a garnish. In my solitude, I'd usually play with a map of Monroe. But the most important thing I did was try to come up with something new to pick on Mikey's character.
I always had a pen, but rarely did I take any paper into the bar. So, I would use what was available...napkins. I've included a sample of three nights of doodlings. When I would come up with an idea, I'd jot it down on the napkin and read it over and over. Sometimes, I'd talk it out in my character's voice trying to get the rhythm and timing right. And, of course, I'd have to do it quietly because tables were less than ten feet away from me. Usually, Mikey would give me some ideas before the show began....that's teamwork. We all wanted this play to be a success...even if it meant our character would be the "butt" of the joke. To help you understand why I wrote what I wrote, it's important for you to know that Mikey's character is accused of being a bedwetter. At a certain point in every show, I'd run off with at least three jokes about peeing problems. They weren't all funny. {Baseball analogy follows} In fact, some were "swings and misses." But some were homeruns. Most important though...we stood at the plate and took cuts at it. And like one of my coaches' favorite lines: I would "swing hard just in case you hit it." {End of baseball analogy}
All that being said, here's some of my work. I realize it's rudimentary, but that's how I roll....4 real.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
I'm Sorry, Did I Step On Your Line?
I just remembered! Portions of our dinner theater are improvised. Therefore, I'm not violating copyright laws if I show you something that we made up. Mikey, John, and I are hamming it up in this clip. There's only a couple of lines in here that we say every night, but they're lines we came up with. (We use certain lines to cue the other actors.) Otherwise, this is just me and Mikey cutting up, with a little bit of John added in for spice. I never know what Mikey's going to do or say; and, hopefully, he doesn't know what to expect from me either. Synergy, baby, synergy!
Teaser for Dr. Pepper
This video is the same one I released on Facebook a couple of days ago. However, some of my bloggers don't have Facebook accounts. Therefore, this one's for them.
I didn't release any audio with the video because of copyright laws. I did underlay a song by one of my favorite artists, Ronnie Earl. His song "Little Johnny Lee," plays while I drive to the Cork Room because it helps me get into the character of Lt. Blunt.
This is only a snippet of the play. Trust me, the real thing is extremely funny and fun. Come see us.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Free Falling
I took this shot at Florida's Gulfarium in Fort Walton Beach.
During the summer of 2004, we took our annual vacation to Orange Beach, AL. One day of the vacation, we drove to Fort Walton Beach, Florida for a change of pace. During the trip, we visited Florida's Gulfarium. This place has some really neat "hand's on" exhibits and I highly recommend it to anyone visiting that part of Florida.
Similar to other aquariums, they have shows with the different "stars" interacting with one another. Our favorite had to be the dolphin and sea lion. At one point during the "act," the dolphin lunged out of the water and took a fish hanging out of the sea lion's mouth. It just so happened that I had my camera poised and ready for the photo. Usually, these moments pass me by, but on this day...I nailed it. Plus, I was fortunate to capture a bird flying by in the same shot. Wooohooo!!! 10 out of 10!!! What a great feeling it is to be able to capture a precise moment!
I tell you this in an attempt to describe the absolute joy I have been experiencing with "Death of Dr. Pepper." We have an ensemble cast that has literally jelled together like no other I've worked with. The scripted part is entertaining, but the improv that takes place every performance is astounding. After the show last night, I told one of the audience members that we know where we are going, but we don't always know how we're going to get there. And that, my friends, is FUN! Also, I can't get over how unselfish everyone has been. I've received some of my best ad-lib lines from other cast mates before the show. Mikey, on numerous occasions, has given me some of my best zingers; and usually, he's the butt of the joke he gave me.
John, in his first dinner theater production, has done splendidly. The crazy thing is he has no scripted lines! I don't think I could have pulled that off. I can hear the conversation now: "Mark, we want you to ad-lib for about an hour or so as two different characters. You in or you out?" Mark: "Riiiiiiiiiight....see ya." I would have left in a hurry, but John has taken it on and keeps adding to his improv skills. I am one proud papa...getting to see his courage up close and personal.
Another thing that gets me is how the ladies, Priscilla, Krystle, and Laura Michelle, roll with anything we throw at them. Their characters have to be unaffected most of the time, while Mikey, John, and I are trying to "one-up" each other. How they manage to keep a straight face, I'll never know. It's not an easy task, Petey, not an easy task.
To sum it up....improv is addicting. I don't want this one to end; and, when it does, I'm going to be anxious for another one. I guess this is the equivalent to parachuting. You don't always have a safe landing; but when you're unsupported in the air, there's no feeling like it in the world. In the immortal words of Dr. Evil, "It's breathtaking...I highly suggest you try it."
Friday, July 18, 2008
Missin' Me Some "Big Cat"

the two Broadway plays he's seen
- he painted both pictures!

good thing he looks like his mom, right?

we bought him a cookie cake last week...just because...

The Big Cat
Daniel left for church camp on Monday and he returns tomorrow. Most of you know that more than anything else in life, I love my kids. Well, I gotta tell ya, only getting to talk to Daniel for 10-15 minutes a day, usually around 10:30 or 11:00 at night, just doesn't cut it. I'm missin' me some "Big Cat!"
In case you've never heard the story about why I call him "Big Cat," here's the scoop. When Daniel was a toddler, he was a monster. He was always bigger than most kids his age. When he would sit and play with toys, he'd tower over them. Plus, he had a tendency of smashing anything and everything. He'd build a tower of blocks and then literally crush it under his feet.
Back then, we were always at the ballpark during the spring and summer. So Daniel grew up with a baseball bat in his hands. Did you get that mental picture? A kid that likes to smash things...holding an aluminum bat suitable for breaking virtually anything in its path! Because of his propensity to search and destroy, I started calling him "The Hammer." Also, in the back of my mind, I was subliminally painting a picture of him being a great baseball player. Do you remember "Hammerin' Hank?" {Hank Aaron was the first to break Babe Ruth's homerun record.}
Well one day, I was in my microscopic office working on the computer. Daniel, maybe three at the time, walked in and started pestering me about something. I told him something along the lines of "Move on, Hammer." Immediately, he shot back, "I'm not 'The Hammer', I'm the 'Big Cat.'" I laughed so hard I thought I'd fall out of my chair. And ever since, he's been the "Big Cat." We still don't have a clue how he came up with the name, but it stuck.
I can't wait for him to get home. Problem is, ten minutes after he's here, I'll probably be wondering when he can leave for another camp. I mean, c'mon, he's a teenager! =D
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Get a Lab Report First
You've heard from much more reliable sources than me to get a release from your doctor before beginning a rigorous exercise routine. Some people don't take that advice. Meredith might be considered one of those people. See, she took the short-cut and got a lab report before she started her regimen. haha, get it? lab report? =D
All kidding aside, Meredith had just finished a 2.7 mile run. She decided to do some ab crunches. (I know, she's a glutton for punishment.) When she placed a mat on the floor, she immediately had company...Duke, the wonder dog. Before she could even begin, Duke drooled in her eye. He loves her so much, though, that he would not leave her side. She scolded him and tried, to no avail, to get him to move. But, heck, if you had a 21-year-old cutie doing sit-ups next to you, would you move?
Oh, by the way, the first part of the film had to be "brightened" because Duke doesn't like being filmed nor having his picture taken. When he sees the camera, he freaks out. Really, he does! So, I started filming with low light and eventually turned the light on when I noticed he quit paying attention to me.
You're darn right I have a camera, Duke. Whaccha gonna do about it?
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
SHUT UP!!!!!
The Parties:




The Evidence:

The Life Savers
It's funny how we can get on some folks' nerves at times. I know I do; and usually I don't even realize that I've done it...until the pot boils over. If you can fog a mirror, then my guess is you've offended somebody at some time or another. Well, I'm extremely close to my family. Therefore, obviously, they stand a greater chance of me getting "under their skin."
Here's an actual case filed today:
Date and Time of Offense: Wednesday, July 16, 2008, 4:00 to 4:30 P.M.
Parties Involved: Mark, Meredith, Duke, Scooter
Issue: Mark's incessant talking caused his daughter, Meredith, to request silence
Location: Meredith's 4-Runner, various locations in north Monroe
Narrative: Mark had to run to the credit union, the bank, and the library. Meredith offered to drive him; and Duke and Scooter were present. Upon entering the said 4-Runner, Mark began talking in a new character's voice. This character would be described as slow and dim-witted. Mark apparently went on a vocal run talking about Life Savers candy and which color would be the first in a package, should said package be opened. {The officer noted that a recently opened package of Life Savers was found in the car.} This line of conversation remained constant until the parties reached the credit union, which is approximately 10 minutes away. Mark entered the credit union alone; and Meredith and the other parties stayed in the vehicle. At the point when Mark re-entered the 4-Runner, he began talking in the character's voice again. Meredith expressed her discontent for the new character's voice at that particular moment. Mark, undaunted, continued on with the character. After reaching the bank, Mark continued chattering incessantly. However, he was using multiple character voices at this stage. Mark stayed in the vehicle and they used the drive-through window at the bank. Next, they stopped at the library. Again, Mark left the car. He entered the library. Upon re-entering the car, Mark began talking in various character voices again. While backing out of the parking lot, Meredith almost ran over an elderly lady. Then another car that was backing up almost ran into the 4-Runner. Meredith honked her horn. Unfazed, Mark waved at some people he thought he recognized. After declaring to Meredith that he knew some of the bystanders, Meredith exclaimed loudly "Will you please shut up for two minutes? You've been running your mouth non-stop since you got in the car. Shut up...for two minutes, PLEASE!" Mark sat silently for the remainder of the ride. Meredith could not calm down due to the close encounter with Mark's goofiness.
Well, I guess you should thank your lucky stars that you don't have to ride anywhere with me anytime soon. "Have a cheery day, y'know, like a red Life Saver," Mark says in the brand new character's voice. "I'll have to try this new voice on somebody...really soon." Heaven help us!




The Evidence:

The Life Savers
It's funny how we can get on some folks' nerves at times. I know I do; and usually I don't even realize that I've done it...until the pot boils over. If you can fog a mirror, then my guess is you've offended somebody at some time or another. Well, I'm extremely close to my family. Therefore, obviously, they stand a greater chance of me getting "under their skin."
Here's an actual case filed today:
Date and Time of Offense: Wednesday, July 16, 2008, 4:00 to 4:30 P.M.
Parties Involved: Mark, Meredith, Duke, Scooter
Issue: Mark's incessant talking caused his daughter, Meredith, to request silence
Location: Meredith's 4-Runner, various locations in north Monroe
Narrative: Mark had to run to the credit union, the bank, and the library. Meredith offered to drive him; and Duke and Scooter were present. Upon entering the said 4-Runner, Mark began talking in a new character's voice. This character would be described as slow and dim-witted. Mark apparently went on a vocal run talking about Life Savers candy and which color would be the first in a package, should said package be opened. {The officer noted that a recently opened package of Life Savers was found in the car.} This line of conversation remained constant until the parties reached the credit union, which is approximately 10 minutes away. Mark entered the credit union alone; and Meredith and the other parties stayed in the vehicle. At the point when Mark re-entered the 4-Runner, he began talking in the character's voice again. Meredith expressed her discontent for the new character's voice at that particular moment. Mark, undaunted, continued on with the character. After reaching the bank, Mark continued chattering incessantly. However, he was using multiple character voices at this stage. Mark stayed in the vehicle and they used the drive-through window at the bank. Next, they stopped at the library. Again, Mark left the car. He entered the library. Upon re-entering the car, Mark began talking in various character voices again. While backing out of the parking lot, Meredith almost ran over an elderly lady. Then another car that was backing up almost ran into the 4-Runner. Meredith honked her horn. Unfazed, Mark waved at some people he thought he recognized. After declaring to Meredith that he knew some of the bystanders, Meredith exclaimed loudly "Will you please shut up for two minutes? You've been running your mouth non-stop since you got in the car. Shut up...for two minutes, PLEASE!" Mark sat silently for the remainder of the ride. Meredith could not calm down due to the close encounter with Mark's goofiness.
Well, I guess you should thank your lucky stars that you don't have to ride anywhere with me anytime soon. "Have a cheery day, y'know, like a red Life Saver," Mark says in the brand new character's voice. "I'll have to try this new voice on somebody...really soon." Heaven help us!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Have Drool, Will Travel
I took Duke for a car ride the other day. It was just me and him...for the first time ever. Usually, Meredith won't let him out of her sight, but she was still at work when Duke and I decided to go to the post office.
Duke has already become a part of the family. He sleeps inside...usually on Meredith's bed. The unusual thing about his morning routine is his early wake-up calls. He'll get up at 5:00 in the morning and come get in bed with me! I guess it's not enough that Maddie and Scooter are already hunkered down on my sleeping quarters. Plus, Duke takes up as much room as a full-grown human being. But no kidding, the dog will wait until early morning...slink into my bedroom...and creep up on my bed...ever so as not to wake me. That's most mornings. Some mornings he'll come bounding down the hall and leap into my bed like a kid that just heard the ice cream truck coming. I kind of get the feeling that his inner monologue is saying: "You ready to go outside, are you ready, are you ready, huh, huh, huh, are you ready?????" I'm probably wrong, though. He's probably thinking, "I gotta pee, I gotta pee, I gotta pee, better let me out, better let me out NOW!!!"
Back to the car ride...
Duke hopped up into the front seat like he knew where we were going. He rides very calmly, much like Scooter does. There's a BIG difference, though. Duke drools! Not just a little bit...I mean a LOTtle bit! Half of my work papers were inundated with his spittle and needed to be dried in the noon-day sun. They're still wrinkled and discolored. Pay special attention to my gas gauge. Yes, it's below "E." That's because I like to live life dangerously. (Actually, I'm trying to see how far I can go on fumes. Only two more days to go before I add gas....) Also, note that I highlighted some of Duke's drool. The last drop, which I affectionately call the "Mother Lode," went through five sheets of paper within a nanosecond.
I've grown to love Duke. And trust me, he and Meredith have already planned their wedding. They might as well, they sleep together every night. I just wish he'd stay in there until about 7:00. That five o'clock wake up call is about to kill me.
Monday, July 14, 2008
The Look...
We had a garage sale this past weekend and all I can say is "WOW!" For me and Angie, it was more like a sleep deprivation marathon. We stayed up until 2:30 Friday night (actually, Saturday morning) pulling crap out of the attic, the storage room, and any other place we could think of. "Why did you wait so late?", you ask. Because Angie and I have a history of doing things "spur-of-the-moment." She thought about doing this sale mid-week; but I really didn't think it was going to happen...that is, until she came home from the News Star...classified-ad/paid-receipt in hand. Another reason we were up late is because I didn't get home from the dinner theater performance until almost 10:00.
At 2:30 A.M., I set my clock for 5:30 A.M. The last time we had a garage sale, someone was in our carport before 6:00 with a flashlight...searching through our stuff. So, we were committed to the early wake-up. But three hours of sleep makes Marky one tired mama-jama. By the time my coffee was ready at 5:45, a group of people had showed up. A constant flow of folks continued until about 11:00 that morning. Yes, we sold a lot of stuff for next-to-nothing. But where else will people pay YOU to haul off your junk!
While rummaging through our stored items, I re-discovered things I once was fond of...old photos...old gadgets...old know, keepsakes and such. Regarding photos, I found a couple that may tickle your fancy. The first one we will call "70's Mark." It was taken at my sister's house in Shreveport and it has to be circa 1978 because I grew a thick beard around that time. (Yes, that was the style back then...just like my mullet was in the early 80's.) I could go into any honky tonk with that beard and long, feathered hair. It fit with the times. I know it's kind of humorous now, though.

circa 1978
The second one is circa 1991. I worked as an insurance agent in Mobile, Alabama back then. Let's call this "preppy, white collar guy." The general agent that I worked for placed an advertisement in a local magazine called the Mobile Bay Monthly. Then, he copied the print ad onto a cardboard exhibit that we displayed in our office lobby. It looked like I ordered my glasses straight out of a CPA/Insurance-Agent-Wannabe Supply Catalog. But the look was appropriate for my job at the time. However, as Dana Carvey impersonating Johnny Carson once said, "That's weird, wild stuff."

"Excuse me while I whip out my actuarial table."
At any rate, I thought you'd enjoy these photos. My look seems to be fluid...always changing. I just wish I could find one that worked! =D
At 2:30 A.M., I set my clock for 5:30 A.M. The last time we had a garage sale, someone was in our carport before 6:00 with a flashlight...searching through our stuff. So, we were committed to the early wake-up. But three hours of sleep makes Marky one tired mama-jama. By the time my coffee was ready at 5:45, a group of people had showed up. A constant flow of folks continued until about 11:00 that morning. Yes, we sold a lot of stuff for next-to-nothing. But where else will people pay YOU to haul off your junk!
While rummaging through our stored items, I re-discovered things I once was fond of...old photos...old gadgets...old know, keepsakes and such. Regarding photos, I found a couple that may tickle your fancy. The first one we will call "70's Mark." It was taken at my sister's house in Shreveport and it has to be circa 1978 because I grew a thick beard around that time. (Yes, that was the style back then...just like my mullet was in the early 80's.) I could go into any honky tonk with that beard and long, feathered hair. It fit with the times. I know it's kind of humorous now, though.

circa 1978
The second one is circa 1991. I worked as an insurance agent in Mobile, Alabama back then. Let's call this "preppy, white collar guy." The general agent that I worked for placed an advertisement in a local magazine called the Mobile Bay Monthly. Then, he copied the print ad onto a cardboard exhibit that we displayed in our office lobby. It looked like I ordered my glasses straight out of a CPA/Insurance-Agent-Wannabe Supply Catalog. But the look was appropriate for my job at the time. However, as Dana Carvey impersonating Johnny Carson once said, "That's weird, wild stuff."

"Excuse me while I whip out my actuarial table."
At any rate, I thought you'd enjoy these photos. My look seems to be fluid...always changing. I just wish I could find one that worked! =D
Wednesday, July 09, 2008

John as Dr. Pepper

Krystle and Priscilla

John and Mikey, aka Dr. Pepper and Peter Pepper

Mikey: "This sure beats wearing a dress and high heels in 'Sugar.'"

Femmes Fatales - The Rose sisters

Working on the bio

E. Orum Petey?

Yes, that's the spot!

Crikey! I've lost my mojo.

Please make an effort to come to our latest dinner theatre/murder mystery. The Death of Dr. Pepper opens on Thursday, July 10th, and runs through July 26th. These are photos from the rehearsal on July 8th.
The three lovely ladies may have committed the perfect crime...or have they? They may have met their match in Lt. Blunt...or is he bright enough to solve this caper before he's trapped in their web of deceit? Can Peter provide enough clues to help solve this case? Only time will tell...
Come see us! It'll be a ton of fun!
Sunday, July 06, 2008
How Do You Know If Your Dog Has Eaten A Wasp?

Madeline's Swollen Jowls
*whispering* Madeline is our oldest dog. I have to talk quietly because Madeline doesn't know she's a dog. And, if you asked Angie, Madeline is more important to the family than me. So, I guess Maddie's got a good reason to feel that way.
I have to hand it to Maddie...she acts like a human. She's like a hall monitor in school. You know the type...wearing the sash around the chest, walking around looking for troublemakers...well, that's Maddie in a nutshell. She's the alpha-dog around here. She barks at the other dogs when she runs outside...for no good reason other than to let them know she's in charge. She barks at the other dogs if they are playing too much. She growls at anyone that tries to get in between her and Angie. When company comes over, she doesn't try to get the company's attention, she tries to get the family's attention. It's almost like she wants to be picked up so she'll be introduced as a human to our visitors.
For me, she's a bit of a jagged pill to swallow. I love her, but there are days... When I go outside to mow the lawn, Maddie wants to go. She will stand inside the area of grass that I'm mowing and she watches every move I make. I'll admit it's made me a little paranoid, because I will go back over areas to make sure the grass was cut just right. I told Angie that Maddie was an extension of her mother...always watching what I do...waiting for me to make a mistake. Angie shrugs it off by saying, "Maddie is protecting you." Yeah, that's what I need...a 14-pound dog protecting me from crickets! Well, come to think of it, no crickets have ever attacked me while mowing the lawn. So I guess Angie's on to something there.
Well, today I ran across a photo of Maddie from last summer. Angie was working in her flower garden and Maddie was "protecting" her from crickets, worms, and a whole assortment of other pesky insects. In fact, Angie noticed Maddie was chasing a red wasp at one point. Angie didn't see it happen, but evidently, Maddie caught one. A few minutes later, her mouth looked like she had a tennis ball under her jowls. Angie immediately rushed her to the vet's office, which was open after-hours. The vet instructed Angie to give Maddie a Benadryl and to watch her closely. (I could have told her that.) A few hours later, all was well.
Maddie has another annoying habit; and this habit is getting worse as she ages. She whines non-stop when she's nervous. "When is she nervous?," you ask. Let's try...anytime she's prevented from being with a family member. It could be something as small as Angie going outside to get the mail, Daniel walking into a store (watch the video), or...heaven forbid...we have to board her for the weekend. Poor thing probably burns more calories from worrying than from anything else.
What a dog! By the way, Maddie is resting approximately 10 feet from me right now...watching my every move. I gotta admit, it kinda creeps me out.
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Snap...Crackle...Watch Out, Pop!
We didn't get to go to the fireworks display at the Ouachita River because of the huge thunderstorm. So, as usual, Daniel, Miranda (our neighbor), and I hosted our own fireworks display. Of course, we waited until the storms had passed; and, of course, we waited until most of our elderly neighbors were asleep. hehehehe We wouldn't won't them to get a peaceful night's rest, now would we? hehehehe
We started around 10:00 P.M. and kept it going until midnight. I filmed a few of the displays to make you feel like you were right there with us. For some reason, I didn't get many loud explosions...I guess because we were usually running from the louder ones. There are some pretty displays on here, though. One thing you won't get to see is the huge smoke bomb that I set off. I held it in my hand and smoked up the whole neighborhood. Daniel thought it was cool, so he asked if he could hold the smoke bomb. He grabbed it from me and started writing his name in the air. Then, all of a sudden, he exclaimed that it was getting too hot to hold. He immediately dropped it and a fire rushed out the back end of the device. It looked eerily similar to napalm. Had he kept it in his hand, I guess we would have spent the night at the E.R. tending to first-degree burns. Fortunately, that didn't happen.
But I did get some pyrotechnics that, hopefully, you will enjoy. So, if you missed the city's fireworks show, sit back and enjoy our version.
Happy Fourth of July!
We started around 10:00 P.M. and kept it going until midnight. I filmed a few of the displays to make you feel like you were right there with us. For some reason, I didn't get many loud explosions...I guess because we were usually running from the louder ones. There are some pretty displays on here, though. One thing you won't get to see is the huge smoke bomb that I set off. I held it in my hand and smoked up the whole neighborhood. Daniel thought it was cool, so he asked if he could hold the smoke bomb. He grabbed it from me and started writing his name in the air. Then, all of a sudden, he exclaimed that it was getting too hot to hold. He immediately dropped it and a fire rushed out the back end of the device. It looked eerily similar to napalm. Had he kept it in his hand, I guess we would have spent the night at the E.R. tending to first-degree burns. Fortunately, that didn't happen.
But I did get some pyrotechnics that, hopefully, you will enjoy. So, if you missed the city's fireworks show, sit back and enjoy our version.
Happy Fourth of July!
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
We're On the Road Again
Here's a collection of videos spliced together for effect. The first segment is filmed through my windshield on Hwy 49 between Jackson and Hattiesburg. Put on your eye-spy glasses because there's a rainbow in the sky. Look to the right side of the highway, just above the tree line. There's a faint sign of a rainbow with a least three noticeable colors.
In the next segment, Meredith was listening to Louis Armstrong. Usually when she does, she inevitably tries to talk like him. However, when I pointed the camera on her, she shut down and wouldn't speak. I knew if I held it there long enough she'd do it; and, sure enough, she did.
Next up is not one, but two, Cher songs. Although it was getting dark and the film doesn't show much, every once in a while, light will enter the car and you can see those dance moves. What a pleasure it is to ride with an impersonator.
Finally, we end with Nena and "99 Luftballoons" from the 80's. Does it matter that Meredith can't speak or sing German? No! In fact, it makes it even more fun.
So, there you have it...a musical odyssey from Moby to Nena...from Louis Armstrong to Cher. Welcome to our iPods!
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Wiggle This Way
Are you squirm-ish? Do certain things make you wiggle uncomfortably in your seat? I assure you that I am. No, not at the attached video...although it might affect you that way. Tonight I heard the story of a friend's recent episode with a kidney stone. It was torture listening to the graphic details. I was wiggling in my chair, my palms were sweating, and other parts of my body were...for the sake of better word...well...let's just say they were hiding. I'm getting nervous telling you the story! So, let's change subjects.
Here's a video of a loose tooth. Over the course of an hour and a half, Madison worked on getting this tooth out. I videotaped a good thirty minutes of it, hoping to get the climatic release on film. Unfortunately, my patience was running thin and I offered to get the dang thing out with some floss...just like my dad used to get mine out. Just so you'll know, John was videotaping the sequence at the same time. That's his voice at the beginning of the film...sounding so squirm-ish.
Let's roll the tape and watch the fun. I warn you again...this might make you wiggle in your seat...uncomfortably.
Here's a video of a loose tooth. Over the course of an hour and a half, Madison worked on getting this tooth out. I videotaped a good thirty minutes of it, hoping to get the climatic release on film. Unfortunately, my patience was running thin and I offered to get the dang thing out with some floss...just like my dad used to get mine out. Just so you'll know, John was videotaping the sequence at the same time. That's his voice at the beginning of the film...sounding so squirm-ish.
Let's roll the tape and watch the fun. I warn you again...this might make you wiggle in your seat...uncomfortably.
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