Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Teaser for Dr. Pepper

This video is the same one I released on Facebook a couple of days ago. However, some of my bloggers don't have Facebook accounts. Therefore, this one's for them.

I didn't release any audio with the video because of copyright laws. I did underlay a song by one of my favorite artists, Ronnie Earl. His song "Little Johnny Lee," plays while I drive to the Cork Room because it helps me get into the character of Lt. Blunt.

This is only a snippet of the play. Trust me, the real thing is extremely funny and fun. Come see us.


Kimber said...

Just so your warned, I must hang out with my Mark before we move. Just to let ya know!

kidcardco said...

You're right... I have to get invovled with one of these. You guys are HILARIOUS!!!