At 2:30 A.M., I set my clock for 5:30 A.M. The last time we had a garage sale, someone was in our carport before 6:00 with a flashlight...searching through our stuff. So, we were committed to the early wake-up. But three hours of sleep makes Marky one tired mama-jama. By the time my coffee was ready at 5:45, a group of people had showed up. A constant flow of folks continued until about 11:00 that morning. Yes, we sold a lot of stuff for next-to-nothing. But where else will people pay YOU to haul off your junk!
While rummaging through our stored items, I re-discovered things I once was fond of...old photos...old gadgets...old know, keepsakes and such. Regarding photos, I found a couple that may tickle your fancy. The first one we will call "70's Mark." It was taken at my sister's house in Shreveport and it has to be circa 1978 because I grew a thick beard around that time. (Yes, that was the style back then...just like my mullet was in the early 80's.) I could go into any honky tonk with that beard and long, feathered hair. It fit with the times. I know it's kind of humorous now, though.

circa 1978
The second one is circa 1991. I worked as an insurance agent in Mobile, Alabama back then. Let's call this "preppy, white collar guy." The general agent that I worked for placed an advertisement in a local magazine called the Mobile Bay Monthly. Then, he copied the print ad onto a cardboard exhibit that we displayed in our office lobby. It looked like I ordered my glasses straight out of a CPA/Insurance-Agent-Wannabe Supply Catalog. But the look was appropriate for my job at the time. However, as Dana Carvey impersonating Johnny Carson once said, "That's weird, wild stuff."

"Excuse me while I whip out my actuarial table."
At any rate, I thought you'd enjoy these photos. My look seems to be fluid...always changing. I just wish I could find one that worked! =D
Mark T. Addison?
Like...Mr. T? Or Mark Tyrone Addison? Or Markalicious "Tasty" Addison??? Haha..
Those photos are great! I remember the 1970's look! I never was a fan of that era though.
Sweet! I'm using your picture as my new facebook avatar!!!
that picture is epic!!!
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