Madeline's Swollen Jowls
*whispering* Madeline is our oldest dog. I have to talk quietly because Madeline doesn't know she's a dog. And, if you asked Angie, Madeline is more important to the family than me. So, I guess Maddie's got a good reason to feel that way.
I have to hand it to Maddie...she acts like a human. She's like a hall monitor in school. You know the type...wearing the sash around the chest, walking around looking for troublemakers...well, that's Maddie in a nutshell. She's the alpha-dog around here. She barks at the other dogs when she runs outside...for no good reason other than to let them know she's in charge. She barks at the other dogs if they are playing too much. She growls at anyone that tries to get in between her and Angie. When company comes over, she doesn't try to get the company's attention, she tries to get the family's attention. It's almost like she wants to be picked up so she'll be introduced as a human to our visitors.
For me, she's a bit of a jagged pill to swallow. I love her, but there are days... When I go outside to mow the lawn, Maddie wants to go. She will stand inside the area of grass that I'm mowing and she watches every move I make. I'll admit it's made me a little paranoid, because I will go back over areas to make sure the grass was cut just right. I told Angie that Maddie was an extension of her mother...always watching what I do...waiting for me to make a mistake. Angie shrugs it off by saying, "Maddie is protecting you." Yeah, that's what I need...a 14-pound dog protecting me from crickets! Well, come to think of it, no crickets have ever attacked me while mowing the lawn. So I guess Angie's on to something there.
Well, today I ran across a photo of Maddie from last summer. Angie was working in her flower garden and Maddie was "protecting" her from crickets, worms, and a whole assortment of other pesky insects. In fact, Angie noticed Maddie was chasing a red wasp at one point. Angie didn't see it happen, but evidently, Maddie caught one. A few minutes later, her mouth looked like she had a tennis ball under her jowls. Angie immediately rushed her to the vet's office, which was open after-hours. The vet instructed Angie to give Maddie a Benadryl and to watch her closely. (I could have told her that.) A few hours later, all was well.
Maddie has another annoying habit; and this habit is getting worse as she ages. She whines non-stop when she's nervous. "When is she nervous?," you ask. Let's try...anytime she's prevented from being with a family member. It could be something as small as Angie going outside to get the mail, Daniel walking into a store (watch the video), or...heaven forbid...we have to board her for the weekend. Poor thing probably burns more calories from worrying than from anything else.
What a dog! By the way, Maddie is resting approximately 10 feet from me right now...watching my every move. I gotta admit, it kinda creeps me out.
I love Maddie!!
Yeah, I have been looking for new backgrounds. Go to pyzam.com. They have tons of blogger backgrounds. Hope all is well, sirrrr.
Maddie is cute!
Two words. Cesar Milan.
You could be on TV. Then the network would think you're an amazing guy and give you your own reality show!
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