At Michael's and Stephanie's wedding, I saw one of my favorite couples, namely, Tony and Kim. I was fortunate to be in the same cast with Tony in my stage debut. Tony is now, and was then, a veteran of the theater. So I listened to what he said. I wanted to learn from him.

Tony and I have been able to do a couple of other plays since that first one. And lately, he's been very complimentary of my acting. He has said more than once that I am "the Tom Hanks of the Strauss." Now, I know Tony doesn't really mean to put me in the same class with Tom Hanks, but that compliment makes my day every time I hear it. Mikey happened to be on hand the other night when Tony said it. Mikey saw a comic moment and pounced on it. He immediately chimed in, "More like the Kevin Costner of the Strauss".

Guys...I laughed out loud. That was flat-out funny! But the humor wasn't over yet. When I arrived home later that night, I told my family about Tony's and Mikey's comments. The whole family laughed. But Angie...well, let's just say she disagreed with Mikey. She said, "Kevin Costner?!? No, it's more like the Rick Moranis of the Strauss".

Ten thousand comedians out of work...
Well, the laugh is on them because I figured out why they said what they said. Obviously, Mikey thinks Kevin Costner is a great actor. I mean, c'mon...the guy was nominated for Best Actor in a Leading Role. (Dances With Wolves, 1991. By the way, he won Best Director for that movie.) And Angie has always been a sucker for funny guys. Rick Moranis won an American Comedy Award for Funniest Supporting Actor in a Motion Picture (Parenthood, 1990). So, there you have it.
If you ask me if I'm a good actor, I'm going to say, "Yes...relative to whomever is your favorite, award-winning actor".
I happen to really love Dances With Wolves. It's a fascinating film. For some reason, I like Kevin Costner. I don't really know why, but I do. But after hearing Angie's thoughts, I rescind my comments.
You are definitely the Rick Moranis of the Strauss.
Think about Honey I Shrunk the Kids. There were three kids that were shrunk...two boys, one girl. A nosy dog(Madeline) and a loving but concerned wife. And you're constantly working in a small confined space. Hmm...
I heard the Desire is getting his own award this year. It's true. Maybe one of us will win that one since "Best Actor" never looks our way. : )
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