The reason I bring this up is because I noticed something about my daily routine the other day. I'm such a creature of habit. There are things that I do that I have been doing the same way since I was a teenager.

Take the morning method. After I wake up, I take a pit-stop in the bathroom and then head straight for the coffee pot. Some days, I don't even drink the coffee until an hour later; but, by golly, that coffee's gonna be made. Then what? Head out and get the newspaper. After I unroll the paper, I thumb through to the Sports section. This hasn't changed for years. Well, I didn't always go to the Sports section. Back when Gary Larson was drawing The Far Side, I would always start there first.
How about my shower and shave? Same routine since I was a teenager. I get out of the shower and dry off the same body parts, in the same order, everyday. I have been using the same brush to comb my hair since I was in high school. You wanna upset my apple cart? Hide my brush. Angie and the kids have done this before and it's not a pretty sight.
When I shave, I always start by shaving the left side of face first, under my chin. Always! I've tried to do it differently before, but it turned into a train wreck.
What about mowing the yard? Yeah, I mowed my front yard today. I go in the same pattern every time. Boring, right?
Well, I can't help myself. I'm a creature of habit...and so are you. We're all creatures of habit. I'll bet that you do similar things everyday in your life. I'll bet that you've tried to do things differently before, but you wound up going back to your favorite way.
Well, here's my pledge to you. Tomorrow, I'm not going to brew my coffee until later in the morning. I might go for a run instead. I think I'll read the Local section of the newspaper first. Yeah, I'm going to shave the right side of my face first. In fact, I'm going to walk on the wild side tomorrow and put my conditioner on my hair before the shampoo.
That'll teach me, huh?
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