Monday, June 30, 2008

The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree

Angie, John, and Daniel left for Mobile on Tuesday, which was the day Angie's father passed away. Meredith and I needed to get situated with school and work, respectfully, before we could leave. In fact, Meredith had been taking a physics class this summer at ULM and the final was on Thursday morning. On our drive down on Thursday afternoon, I realized that Meredith is very similar to me in many aspects. She has this energy that she can't contain; and, at times, it just burst out!

I filmed her during one of these episodes. The film will transition as we travel down the highway. The first section shows a typical song/dance. She performed for about 30 minutes or longer. One interesting thing of note...she never listens to an entire song. After a couple of minutes of high-energy singing/dancing, she grabs the iPod and changes to another song. (It drives me crazy because I put on an album and listen from beginning to end. I have to have closure!) The second section shows how she was watching the dvd player. Please check out who's in her lap...watching with her. Yes, that's a stuffed animal and he's higher up the totem pole than me. The last section shows her in the only quiet state...asleep. If you like this, check back later in the week. I have a couple more up my sleeve. So, am I right? Does the apple fall far from the tree?


MajorLamont said...

2 things:

1) Kids these days and their music.
2) It appears the stuffed animal was
buckled up as well. Hmmmmmm

Anonymous said...

I vote that you and Meredith make up a tap dancing/hip hop routine to that song...b/c that right there...made my entire Monday morning happy.

Laura Michelle said...

Mikey's ADD with music too. I feel your closureless pain.

Kimber said...

wow that looks like me on a road trip! i go crazy, and then i sleep.
i like the goatee!