We officially open "Reality...Bites Back" at the Cork Room on Friday, March 28th. We've put a lot of hours into this project and hope that people will come in throngs to see it. There are some really neat characters in this murder mystery. I know I've had a ton of fun playing Pete.
To whet your appetite, I'm offering a few pictures from the rehearsal on Tuesday night. Tell your friends to come one, come all and enjoy the show.
hahahah *points and laughs at your mustache*
I know the show is going to be great. I hope we sell tons of tickets! Ya'll have fun.
You hope everybody comes in thongs?! Geez, Mark, I could see the girls maybe but I'm not so sure about the dudes.
What fun! Good luck this weekend fellows!
That's "throngs" not "thongs" Mikey, you cretinous bunch of boobs.
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