Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My Fears Are Real

I was taught that fear was only False Evidence Appearing Real. My fear was after President Obama was elected that the Bush-haters were going to keep on keeping on; and no real healing for the nation was going to take place.

Instead of enjoying the significance of the first black president in America's history, we have hip-hop knuckleheads spewing off. I wish I could tell them to keep their mouths shut so we could assume they're idiots...instead of opening their pie holes and proving without a shadow of a doubt that they are.

If this is what we can expect from Obama's backers, then my fears were not false evidence. This is real. This is real hatred. This is real profanity. This is real stupidity.

I don't condone what you will hear on the video. I found this on a website that I enjoy reading; however, you can find it on Youtube as well. You've been forewarned.

God bless America and rid us of stupidity in every form.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow. I had not seen that video but I assure you that if a caucasian singer had said anything like that about a minority group, they would be blacklisted (anyone remember the fallout of Don Imus?) I cannot believe our president would condone this, and hopefully he is ashamed of it. If not, we're all in a lot deeper mess in this country than just the economy!

C. Coon