I tried to explain to a friend about a week ago, that my mental condition cycled just like everyone else's. Y'know, highs and lows. But I think I've been looking at it all wrong. I don't think I cycle at all. Cycles have gradual increases and gradual decreases. You're on an upswing for happiness. You're on a downswing for gloominess. Mine aren't like that. Mine are more similar to spikes. Happy day...UPSPIKE! :-) Happy day...UPSPIKE! :-) Sad day...DOWNSPIKE! :-(
I can go from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows...within hours. I don't know how Angie has been able to put up with it for all these years. Really, I don't.
Well, rather than waste your time reading about my misery. I thought I'd offer some unusual photos that Daniel and I took over the weekend. Daniel really has an eye for capturing ordinary things in a very unique way. I, on the other hand, look for interesting things. Either way you slice it, these photos are different.
And just in case you're wondering where in the blue blazes "irractitated" came from, one of the contestants on American Idol used that word to describe what the judges did to her tonight. I think it's a cross between irritated and agitated. I thought it was an appropriate way to describe my current mood.

This started as an ordinary photo of me taken by Daniel. I tried to be creative and made a mosaic. If you don't like, please remember that I had a limited canvas to work with...my face.

Daniel captured the water as it was beginning to boil. I thought the vapors were really cool.

After I boiled the noodles, I noticed one of them had stuck to the bottom of the pot and was standing at attention. Interesting...

Another shot of the noodle
You're a good man Charlie Brow... I mean, Mark!
I'm right there with you, brother! When the bad spikes come, I just fall on my knees and pray - and focus like heck on all the blessings in my life. The hardest spikes are the self-induced...those that I create from my own stupidity!
C. Coon
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