Sunday, December 07, 2008

Move Over, Rover

I didn't think anything could take the place of tennis balls for Duke. I mean, the dog has some serious OCD issues with the yellow felt balls. But last night, I decided to start putting up some Christmas displays in my yard. Duke came out to help. I felt sorry for him because he sat motionless for 10 minutes waiting for me to throw a ball to him. It was cold and I didn't feel like starting a tennis ball game with him. But it just so happens that a soccer ball was sitting in the yard next to my porch. On one of my trips to run the extension cord, I kicked the ball to Duke...just to see what he'd do. Much to my delight, he stopped it, found a way to pick it up, and brought it back to me. I was so amazed that I went inside and got my camera. However, it was too dark to film. So, today, I took him out again to see if he remembered how to play soccer. And, yes, he did! Move over, Rover, there's a new goalie in town.

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