Thursday, November 06, 2008

Healing America

I don't care which candidate you voted for on Tuesday. However, I'm ticked off at you if you didn't vote at all. My dad fought in World War II and told me that he risked his life to allow people to have their right to vote. Some of his friends didn't come home alive from Iwo Jima...but they defended your and my right to vote. Think about that next time you shrug your shoulders about voting. Men and women that wanted a better nation were willing to give the ultimate sacrifice...their make sure that you and I could have the right to express how we govern this nation. So I don't take voting lightly. Now, having said that, I'm ready for some real healing.

Where should it begin? In my humble opinion, the popular culture that embraces Oprah, MSNBC's "Odormann", Comedy Central's "Stew-dirt", etc. (the list is too long to mention), should apologize to Bush for piling on. Over the top? Yeah, guys, they went over the top. It's one thing to hate what a guy stands for, but it's another thing to disregard what he's done for you.

"But, Mark, the economy sucks! It's Bush's fault. He's the reason I don't have a job." When was the last time you heard of a U.S. President creating a job? If he did create a job, then it would be a government-paid job...another warm body sponsored by me and you. Thank you, but I'm not interested in giving Uncle Sam a blank check to make everyone merry. The sacked economy in America can be blamed on both major parties. Neither one really cares about you and me...except when it's time to vote.

Obama has a rock star quality about him...probably one of the reasons he was elected. Over the past couple of weeks, I've seen plenty of folks wearing Obama tee-shirts. Frankly, I was glad to see people getting exited about the political process instead of wearing thug hip-hop artists' swag. Most of the hip hop artists use language that I don't allow in my house...the "F" word, the "S" word, but most glaringly...the "N" word. Hopefully, this president will be a catalyst of change. Or will he govern from the extreme left...where anything goes? They embrace the philosophy where it's okay for the rap artist to say the 'N' word, but not you and me. Well, heck, those guys are from the street, they're keeping it real. Wurd to your mother...time will tell whether Obama is a great president or just a pretender.

I think a lot of people who felt like Bush had kept them down are all breathing a sigh of relief. In their minds, I guess the savior has arrived. Sadly, he's not going to be able to do much of what he promised. The country is too deep in trouble. Watch over the next few weeks and see if Obama starts "hedging his bets". He'll probably say things like "I didn't realize the problems we faced were this large." My response, "Yeah, whatever. Now get busy and do something." I hope that the far left doesn't dictate how he governs or we'll be facing another set of crises in 10 years. Don't forget it was some of Clinton's policies that brought on the mortgage mess. Here's one thing you can bank on, though. If the country goes in the tank again, they'll point the finger at the Republicans. Problem is...this time, the Democrats are going to be running the country now. I hope they don't take their eye off the ball.

Here's an article that I read that inspired this blog. If you're interested, please read it. The author makes a valid point, like it or not.


The American people pay closer attention to "Survivor: Gabon" than to Operation Iraqi Freedom. Yet the majority will soon have a greater say in how we proceed in the war on terror. We are headed to the "American Idol" presidency. The last thing I want is my text vote on the financial crisis to have a say on how we proceed.

If Barack Obama is elected the next president of the United States on Tuesday, I hope the Republican Party and conservatives take the higher road. The republic cannot handle another four years of undeclared civil war while we have real enemies out there to fight.

1 comment:

kidcardco said...

You're running in 2012 aren't you?