I think she could sense the anxiousness in my voice. I ran out of time today...and I had a mental melt-down. We had big plans to saute' some onions and bell peppers with some steak strips...melt some cheese over the top...place it on some hoagie buns...and eat til we were stuffed. I'm getting hungry thinking about them right now.
But Angie and I are diametrically opposed when it comes to food. Simply put, Angie eats to live...I live to eat. Maybe that's why she's so skinny and I've got a spare tire. I wonder if God put us together to balance each other out.
On a side note, when I woke Angie this afternoon, she looked exactly like she did when I married her. She was 19 years old! She's still as beautiful today as the first day I laid eyes on her. So, what's my new mantra? Eat to live...eat to live...eat to live...eat to live. Do you mind passing me a steak hoagie while I chant?

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