Sunday, September 07, 2008

When You Come To The Fork In The Road

I love the Yogi Berra quote, "When you come to the fork in the road...take it." I smile every time I hear that line. For that matter, I usually chuckle out loud when I hear any of the lines Yogi gave us over the years.

Here's a link to his website. They have some more priceless "yogi-isms" that are sure to tickle your fancy.

The reason I bring up the fork in the road is to set up the video we captured in our front yard on Saturday afternoon. We were enjoying the beautiful weather (and lack of rain) and Meredith was playing "fetch" with Duke. But on this particular day, I noticed something rather odd. When Meredith would throw the ball to the left of the telephone pole, Duke would run to the right of the pole to retrieve it. He'd even retrace his steps coming back. On one occasion, she threw it to the right side of the pole accidentally; and he brought it back by going around the left side of the pole. Eventually, he forged his own path and took the road less Duke-traveled.

Watch for yourself and see if you don't think that the truth is stranger than fiction. We probably couldn't get him to do it again if a million dollars was riding on it, but I got it on tape that day.

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