Monday, April 07, 2008

He's Gunning For You, Meredith

Daniel went to Chicago with a group from Lee Jr. High last week. He had a wonderful time and took over 600 photos. At the top of his list, though, was getting to see "Wicked." Inspired by the play, he painted a version of the poster when he got home. First, he free-hand sketched the faces, and then he carefully painted the canvas. It reminded me of Meredith, who usually does something very similar when she's inspired.

But it dawned on me that Daniel is right on Meredith's tail when it comes to art. I've included a photo of Meredith's award-winning portrait and Daniel's new Wicked portrait. Mere was 18 when she painted hers; and Daniel is still only 12. Give him a few years and I'll bet he'll be right up there in her stratosphere.


Kimber said...

shutUP!! sigh. coming from someone with NO artistic ability (I can hardly draw a stick figure) I am in awe. It is a talent I have always wanted, to be able to draw or paint. If God said to me one day "Kim, you get a free talent card , congratulations!!!" I'd pick that. Those are both so great!

Laura Michelle said...

Holy cow! Laura's jealous,too. No, we all get our blessings, Kim. I bet you Tony and anyone who knows you a little better than I do could hand you a list of things you're special at.

Do you just get overwhelmed with pride, Mark? I bet that's amazing. I wanna be a parent like you someday. Because, yes, your kids are blessed with fine artistic talent among other talents, but they're also blessed with a great Dad who is in turn blessed with them. Now THAT is one non-viscious circle :)

pard1959 said...

Non-viscious....hmmmm....could someone hand me a thesaurus?

Anonymous said...

WOW!!!!! Meredith is amazing!!! wow. And Daniel's looks just like the poster! That's great. :)
