Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Why do we do what we do?

I took my morning walk today with the thoughts of several of my friends heavy on my heart and mind. I learned yesterday about some issues these friends were having and I didn't even see it coming.

While I walked, I prayed for them. I tried to collect my thoughts, so as to give them insightful advice, should they ever ask for it. But I kept coming back to the same thing....when we put our desires and needs in front of what's right, then we're setting ourselves up for the fall. Ever since the origin of sin, our selfish desires has gotten us in trouble. Will we ever learn? It made me appreciate the blessings in my faith in God. I'm no fact, it's only by the grace of God that this isn't happening to me. So I pray, continuously.

While I walked, I listened to "The Duke Meets the Earl." One song in particular really struck me. It's called "A Soul That's Been Abused"...slow blues at its best...and a perfect song for expressing my thoughts this morning.

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