Friday, January 16, 2009

The Haymaker

This video was made in the summer of 1987. John, Meredith, and I were at my parents house. This is vintage John. He was obsessed with boxing at this age. What I love about this video is my dad's laughter. He kept telling us, "He's got a real haymaker." And although my mom was one of boxing's biggest fans, she never condoned conflict in the house. So, she wasn't too pleased about John rough-housing with his grandfather. Watch for this in the video: John tries to get my attention. He doesn't actually say "Dad" or "Mark", but rather, he says something similar to "muhh". Funny thing was John and Meredith both called me "Mark" for years. People thought that I was their step-dad because of it. Who knows why they did it? You'll be happy to know that I did eventually break them of the habit. Strange kids...

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