This past Sunday I played guitar for my church during worship. Typically, all I do is strum some of the chords along with the songs. I'd love to do more; but as it stands now, I don't get the music until Friday. Even then, I don't get to practice with the rest of the worship team until Sunday morning. Usually, I have less than an hour to figure out what I'm going to be able to do with a song. So, go figure...you can't do a lot when you're winging it, right?
I'm not going to take this blog to gripe about the bone I'd like to pick with our minister of music. Rather, I just wanted to offer you the setting of my story...and later I'll get to a question.
It is important for you to know that some of our church members are "sideways". The rub...the fact that we're going to try the two worship services beginning in January '09. Some churches have referred to it as the music wars..."do we play traditional hymns or contemporary praise choruses?" I'll go on the record by saying that I like them both. Aren't we there to worship God...not music? However, if you want to attract young couples to your church, you have to have an interesting/educational teacher in the pulpit or wonderfully orchestrated music. At this time, we have neither. And, from the looks of things, we won't be ready come January. Less than two years ago, I was present in a meeting when our preacher announced that the church would never go contemporary while he was the pastor. I hope he put enough salt and pepper on those words...he's fixin' to eat 'em.
While I was standing in the choir loft Sunday morning, I looked out into our congregation and saw a sea of gray hair. I've been a member at this church for as long as I can remember, but lately, the younger members are leaving in droves. I'm sure we're not the only church suffering from this malady. But our congregation is aging...and nobody wants anything to change. The most glaring thing that I noticed Sunday morning...and this, my friend, upset me more than anything...was looking into the faces of the choir members. Not all, but more than 75% looked liked they were attending a funeral. Seriously! No happiness...no life! How sad!
Now, you might offer to me that church is not the place for frivolity...worship is supposed to be respectful. I agree. But have you ever considered this...after Jesus performed the miracle of feeding the 5000 people with only a few fish and some bread, do you think the folks sat around looking like they just heard a funeral dirge? I think not! I'll bet they were celebratory! I think we should be celebrating in church. Well heck, I think it's an even bigger miracle that God is willing to save our pathetic rear ends.
What I'm saying is this...if you are a Christian...have accepted Jesus as your personal savior...then you are on the winning team! If you were on the winning team, why would you look like someone just kicked your dog? Why not live like you know the end of the story?
I smile a lot in church. I tell jokes to people. I laugh out loud. I even say inappropriate things sometimes. I want to let everyone know that I know Who won. The score has already been settled. If I offend you, I'm sorry...but I'm not pretending. How long will it take before Jesus is through working with me? You got me...I dunno...I'm a work in progress.

This photo was my father's personal favorite
depiction of Jesus. It's titled "The Risen Christ
by the Sea". He was joyful.
Don't you think we should be too?
1 comment:
Really man..how do you REALLY feel...
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