Sunday, October 05, 2008

5K or Bust

Yesterday I entered my first 5K race. I planned on starting slow and steady and trying to hang with Angie. Well, I did that for about 4 minutes; and then I was winded. I told Ange that I needed to walk, so we took about a one-minute walk to let me recover.

Ange didn't have to stay with me but she did; and it cost her in the end. After the minute was up, she asked if I would be upset if she ran ahead. My response, "Of course not."

So, off she took. I tried to stay constant with what we've been running around our neighborhood. Unfortunately, yesterday was not my day. I struggled. I struggled running. I struggled walking. I kept thinking, "I'll never make it the end of this thing without some assistance." But I kept going.

Angie finished 2nd in her age group. She even won a medal for her effort. But I want everyone to know that she would have won first place in her age group if she wouldn't have hung with me at the beginning. Walking with me for that minute cost her first place. I'm very proud of her, though!

The race inspired me too. Later in the day, Angie and I mapped out a new course to run that is exactly 5K (3.1 miles). Our normal pattern is only 2.7 miles. Lord willing, I'm going to get better...and maybe be able to hang with this youngster I married. See you at the starting line.


Cathy Burgess said...

Congratulations on your 5K race. Are you sore?

pard1959 said...

The day after a run, my calves hurt a little bit, but otherwise, I'm okay. My ego was crushed because I did so awful.

kidcardco said...

Angie, you'll never learn... you should have left him there and won the race! Don't worry about Mark, you could have gone back and carried him across the finish line later! : )