At any rate, he kept asking me and Angie if it was okay to start cooking. Normally, we would have said "Sure, go ahead". But the day he asked was my birthday...and in case you weren't privy to the desserts I received, let me elaborate. I had two cookie cakes and a full pan of pumpkin bars. Now, on top of all those calories...uh, I mean cakes, Big Cat wants to make magic in the kitchen again! As parents, we took a stand...for about an hour.
Don't look down your nose at me because he's very persuasive...and persistent. After we gave in, I left him alone. About an hour and a half later, he called me into the kitchen to see his project. WOW! Check out the photos! He didn't have a special bat cake pan. He didn't have black icing. Everything, other than the cake mix, is custom. He saw this cake in his mind's eye and made it.

I'm impressed. How about you?

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