Friday, August 15, 2008

Wake Up Call

I've mentioned in previous blogs that Duke really likes fetching balls. In reality, he has an OCD problem with balls. If Angie and I are sitting at the table eating breakfast and Duke finds a ball, he brings it to us...over and over and over. He usually will start by dropping the ball at our feet and staring. Not a casual stare like I might look at a beautiful sky, but a white-hot-laser-beam-focused-on-nothing-else stare. (It's probably similar to how my freind, Stephanie, looks at new books. hehe)

If we don't acknowledge that a ball is present at our feet, he picks it up and puts it in one of our laps. Yep...there's nothing like a wet tennis ball rolling around your crotch to give you a special morning up-and-at-em wake up. Eventually, one of us will cave in and kick the ball. But it's like giving a rock to a crack addict because it starts an endless cycle.

I took him out to play the other morning...after the torrential rainfall. {By the way, Lake Adcock had drained because the city workers finally turned on the celebrated pumps.} I throw the ball...he fetches...the fun begins. He's really good about bringing the ball back. Too bad he's not so polished on letting me have the ball afterwards. I have to fight with him every time to get it out of his mouth. This can go on for hours because Duke will not quit. I'm convinced he would play until he keeled over and died. So, we'll play a little while and then I make him go in for water.

This video will show you what I'm talking about. I hope you like the music too. It's the James Harman Band performing "Wake Up Call." Appropriate, don't you think?

P.S. Daniel figured out a way to get him to release the ball. First we bring two balls out. We throw one; and, when he gets back with the ball in his mouth, we show him the other ball. He drops the one in his mouth and waits for the second ball to be thrown. The second ball is launched and he takes off running. Then we can easily pick up the first ball and start the cycle again. Brilliant!


Anonymous said...

That is how I look at new books! And sometimes I fetch them and bring them back to Michael...only to watch him go, "Nope...we're not buying anymore books". Usually if I wag my tail long enough he caves in...

Maggi said...

This is the best product for those OCD dogs. You don't have to get your hand all gross. You can borrow ours if you want to try it out! It is called the Chuckit!