Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Duck, Duke...Duke, Duck

Fetch it up, Duke!

While playing fetch with Duke the other day, my neighbor, Edward, asked if we'd ever tried to get Duke to fetch a duck. My answer, of course, was "no." Y'see, I don't duck hunt. Eddie does and he had a frozen duck in his freezer that he fetched to see if our dog would fetch. (I love that sentence. /smiles/) Eddie also brought his lab, Abby, over to teach Duke. Duke didn't want anything to do with the duck at first. But after Abby fetched it a couple of times, he decided that he'd give it shot after all.

The other portions of the video are self-explanatory. All except the part where Scooter is whining. I forgot to tell you that Eddie brought a cap gun and shot it to see if Duke would be bothered by a loud noise. Duke was generally unaffected. Scooter, on the other hand, reverted back to his more sensitive side and started doing the "man voice." (If you don't know what the "man voice" is, then by all means search my previous blogs for a video by the same name.)

This whole post is really just a little "happy" for Meredith, who is beginning to miss her companion, I presume. Her mom and I put these two videos together to make her smile.

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