Monday, June 09, 2008

Hard Head

I really shouldn't post this video. I certainly don't want to encourage anybody to do this. But some things are so funny...I've laughed every time I've watched it.

The only set-up this video needs is to let you know that this is real. There were no break-away bottles and no camera tricks. You might jump to the conclusion that I staged it because my carport's motion detector light goes out...almost on cue with the climax. However, what the camera couldn't pick up, I saw with my own two eyes under the faint light of the moon. Plus, you will be able to hear the reaction of everyone who witnessed it.

One more word of warning. DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME! This was performed by a seasoned fraternity member who knows better; and, truthfully, I know better too. But darn, it's funny!


MajorLamont said...

That's no way to get ahead in life. He'll never be the head of a major corporation.

T-Money said...

"Will, you are such an idiot. Why didn't you hit it harder?"

Best. Line. Ever.

It's not a "you're an idiot for doing it", it's "if you had only done it harder it would have broke".


Anonymous said...

That made my morning!

Kimber said...


Kimber said...

OMG LMAO!!! I just saw the video below. First of all, preeeeety. I love black labs. Second of all, I love how she was NOT going to let that bigger dog get the best of her! She was NOT letting go. ROTFL. I almost peed my pants laughing when I saw it in fast forward.