About this time twenty four years ago, I was taking a shower. I wanted to be all "gussied up" for my first date with Angie. She and I had met in a Computer Information class at NLU in the spring semester of 1984. There's an interesting story regarding how we actually met, but I'm saving that for another blog.
I arrived at her apartment in my un-air-conditioned 1968 Ford Bronco. When she answered the door, I thought I was looking at a supermodel. She was standing about 3 or 4 inches taller than me and was radiantly beautiful. She looked down at me and said "I'm really uncomfortable in these high-heel shoes...do you mind if I change?" She went to her bedroom and returned in some flat shoes. She was still a tad taller than me, but it wasn't as noticeable. We went out to eat at the Warehouse #1 Restaurant. A bunch of my buddies had been there for Happy Hour and were waiting to see me with my date. Long-story-short...they invited themselves to our table and dined with us. Later we went to a club and danced.
Towards the end of the night, I took her back to her apartment. She invited me to come inside for a glass of Coke. Back then, I had given up drinking Coke, but I wasn't going to turn down the offer. Angie opened a brand new 2-liter bottle and handed me a glass. I thought to myself...I'll drink that bottle dry just to sit and talk with her...and I did...the whole 2 liters.
So, that's how the journey began...24 years ago tonight. What a date!
And she hasn't forgiven herself since....
I still remember my first date with Angie. Wait a min......
You're a lucky man Mark. I wish a chump like me could have it that easy with the "super models"!
That is such a sweet story! One day you need to tell me the story of how you met.
That's so cute!!!
How sweet.
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